Chapter 27 - Trustworthy

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The battle between army of knights and two true blood of the bloodline, no matter how hard they try, no matter how strong their will, no matter blood was spill in the battle field, in the end, it just become a one side massacre, as the beast who stand strong on the top of the food chains.
No predators could even touch them as they was the strongest of the history.

V: i grow tired of this meaningless battle
Lars: yeah, you right, let's end this quick

then both of them nodding to each other and throwing their weapon high to the sky and left with their bare hands.

Yuna: they throwing their weapon? what are their plan?
Ataxia: it's over
Euridice: eh? over? there's still knights in front of them
Rewolf: you can take a look closely after this

the daggers and the swords was making their way to the sky, "let's have a blood party over them!" then not in a moment after V shouting the blood party, both of them disappear from their place, Lars reappear with his form changed, his hand turned into a massive blade and the other hand turned into a hook.

The knights feel even more terrified than before after witnessing Lars's hands, "don't worry, it'll end soon and painless" then Lars throw his hook in the line of 10 knights and started to pull himself towards the knight while his massive blade viciously slashing all the flesh he met along the way of the hook, not only once but the blade made a few slash ripping up to the bones, "see? that was quick and painless right?"

V reappear in the back of knight with his hand already grabbing the heart of the knight, "well as i expected from a mere human" then V walk slowly to the knights with his hand already appeared a black magic circle and a chains engulfed in black fire appeared in his hands.

V swing his chains directly to one knight to the right, the knight immediately turn into ashes as soon as the chains hit them, but V not stopping there, he swing his chains again into the horde of the knight, the chains burnt the knight one after one and turn them into ashes mercilessly, "i have no expectation to a mere human".

When they finished killing every single knights in the area, both V and Lars disappear at the place they're doing their massacre and reappear at the place where they first throwing their weapon.

V: pleasure doing bloodlust with you descendant of the Nikolaevich family
Lars: the pleasure was all mine descendant of the Melchiore family
both of them bowing to each other before catching their weapons back at their hands and vanished from their hands along with their form and aura reversed into their normal side.

at Shirakami place
Euridice: i never imagine that there's an existences of this powerful creatures
Ataxia: only in their little piece of power already made us gazing with an awe in our eyes isn't it
Yuna: little piece you said?
Rewolf: i can feel that they're not serious doing this
Ataxia: if they was serious from the beginning, there won't be any minute for the knights to stand
Shirakami: i could never believe my eyes, but the fact that V is standing right there made me believe, no matter how crazy his action was
Rewolf: let's go
All of them approaching Lars and V

Lars: wait, i smell something familiar
V: as you expected Lars...
Lars looking to Ataxia and Rewolf
Ataxia: master Lars
Rewolf: it's an honor to meet you again master Lars
Ataxia and Rewolf running to Lars and Lars giving them a headpats
Rewolf: i'm good as always master Lars
Ataxia: the same as me master Lars
Lars: well it's been a long time since the white blood isn't it?
V: white blood huh? *laugh*

but then Lars face showing different expression from his happy face
Lars: i smell two humans and one unidentified creature

Shirakami, Yuna and Euridice were approaching V, but Lars rapidly moves and trying to attack Yuna and Euridice.
V moves in time to grab Lars's sword, witnessing V stopping his attack Lars wasn't expecting it, both of them was looking at each other sharply just like an arc enemy.

Lars: what's the meaning of this V? why are you defending a humans? are your hatred and grudge to humans has vanished just like that?
V: the hatred and grudge still there Lars, and i won't let it over just like you thought
Lars: then tell me the reasons

V gazing to the direction of Shirakami followed by Lars looking at her.
Lars: her? there's no way right V? what's the connection between her and this humans?
V: i've made a contract with her, protecting her and the things important to her
Lars: i've saw a lot of contract you've made, but there are none like this

Then Shirakami talk to Lars cutting the conversation
Shirakami: Chotto matte kudasai (please wait a minute)
Lars: huh? what are you talking? i don't understand
but without any warning, V pull the sword from Lars hand and sweep his leg before doing the arm bar facing up, "Shirakami now" Shirakami looks confused but she know what to do.

Shirakami run to Lars and pointing his finger to Lars forehead, then V released Lars but he instinctively drawing another sword pointed to Yuna and Euridice followed by V grabbing the blade again

Lars: why are you defending the humans V? and what she do to me earlier?
V: didn't i say it before? and you're gonna know soon
Lars: i see.. let me ask you a question then.. little white fox *looking to Shirakami*
Shirakami: it's Shirakami Fubuki
Lars: (so she's using her power to gave a knowledge to me) okay Fubuki, tell me, are they important to you?

Shirakami looking at Lars who already intimidate her with his aura while V keep holding the sword even thought he know that his hand already bleeding.

Shirakami: they are my friends, they are important to me
Lars and Shirakami was staring at each other for a while, but then Lars gave Shirakami another hard question
Lars: then choose one to be saved and one to be sacrificed

Shirakami looking to Yuna and Euridice, Yuna was really calm while Euridice was already know her fate that Shirakami would choose Yuna to be saved and her to be sacrificed, "it's okay Fubuki, i have doing a lot of sin to you, it's okay, let me repay it with my life" Euridice smiling to Shirakami, but Shirakami was staying silent and throwing his gaze into Lars again

Lars: so? which one do you choose?
Shirakami: i choose myself, take my life and release both of them
Lars: hahaha interesting, i'm satisfied now V
Shirakami: eh?

then V releasing his grip to the sword while the sword was vanished from Lars's hand, V who was already bleeding gave a smile to Lars and kick him in the stomach

V: don't you know how precious my blood are?
Lars: urgh.. alright alright.. it's my bad.. i'm sorry
But not a moment after that, the bleed in V's hand are closing again and healed like there was nothing happen before.
After that, both of them laughing softly leaving Shirakami Yuna and Euridice confused

V: he's just joking around
Lars: yeah, it wasn't a big deal thought?
Shirakami: i'm started to wondering about Vampires races jokes
Yuna: would you mind explaining to us?

Lars: hahaha, i've got a lot of question already when V defending a human despite his hatred for human, but all of the question was answered by one answer "a contract"
Yuna: i mean, i know V made a contract with Fubuki earlier but how can you believe it that easily?
Lars: simple answer, because we true blood considering another true blood as our brothers and sisters in blood, brother are supposed to believe each other right?
Yuna: but why the contract?
Lars: it's simple, contract really mean a lot V, to V a contract means his pride as a Melchiore True Bloodline, but it's just an excuses, the real meaning behind it-

V cut the explanation
V: removing the pity for my family bloodline...
Shirakami: ehh? what do you mean..?
V: let me ask you a question, what do you think people gonna do after hearing the news that the king and his family was murdered, leaving just one son alived?
Shirakami: people will start giving the son a help and trying to get the throne for their own?
V: exactly.. i spread the news over every contract that i made, so when other vampires hear that the last Melchiore bloodline standing on it's own reigning over the strongest, they won't gave me a pity as well as taking my places
Lars: he was born as a leader, that's why the vampire races started to follow him and respect him like the leader

Hearing the statement, V denying all of that
V: you don't need to bring that up
Shirakami: hooo, V the leader of the Vamps, for some reason i don't feel surprised anymore
Lars: you already witnessing his power, that's why, anyway the names Lars Alveinder Nikolaevich, true descendant of Nikolaevich family
Yuna: i'm Yuna and this is Euridice, our ex enemy
Euridice: it's nice to know you , well uhmm.. Lars
Lars: nice to know both of you too, from now on let's have each other back

Yuna was really on her stance because she know  Lars was a Vampire
Yuna: you're not going to, uhm.. you know, drink our blood?
Lars: don't worry, as long as V was doing the contract, i'm not going to interrupt, even thought i'm curious about the taste you have
V: don't worry, soon after the contract done you can taste them
Yuna: are you serious? *terrified*

but then Shirakami hit V in the back
V: ouch, what was that for?
Shirakami: no need for a joke like that
V: fine, my fault, sorry 

All of them continuing their journey to the Startails Village with Lars following them

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