Chapter one: extensive research

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Harry's POV:

*over the PA* "can operators BlackBeard and Valkyrie come to my office ASAP ? I repeat. Operators BlackBeard and Valkyrie to my office please"

I wanted to ask Meghan and Craig about a soldier who was in the Navy Seals. He showed excellent record. But the file I have of him has black ink all over the last few years he served.

After a few minutes I hear a few knocks on the door

"Come in" in a high tone. Meghan and Craig walked in, they were in their normal clothes. They weren't being sent on a mission. I can tell that they're abit on edge and wanted to know as of why I called upon them

Craig: "you wanted to see us boss ?" Announced with a question

"Yes yes. Please feel free to be seated" they sat on the two chairs that were across my desk

"I wanted to know about someone, And I thought you two would enlighten me on who he is" I handed them each a copy of the file of the soldier in question

"That is Alexander Osiris. I wanted to know your opinion on him and whether or not you served with him" I was hoping that they would give me some useful information about him

Craig: "I've served with him a couple of times. He was always infront of all of us, always to go through the door first. He didn't make much friends in his years with us, he was the kind of guy to keep to himself but he was considered the best in our batch. He pulled some crazy shit to save his squad several times. For someone in his age, guy was pretty much a short time legend. Like the file said he transferred after serving with us for 4 years, didn't say goodbye or nothing" Craig said with a sad look on his face

Meghan: "I dont know anything about him. Who the hell is he ?" Meghan inquired

Craig: "youngest seal to ever be accepted. All his missions were successful. And I think with every mission he took he came back saving at least 2 injured soldiers. All the people around him liked him either cuz he saved them or helped them through training. Boss I mean you can probably get the unclassified file of him. What did you need us for ?" Craig asked with visible confusion on his face

"Pulling a full version of a file like his is always tiring. God only knows how many strings I had to pull for Nøkk's file. Let alone recruit her. So I wanted your opinion on whether or not I should pursue and possibly recruit him"

Meghan: "I honestly dont know Harry. Maybe you should pull his full file and see if he's worth your troubles recruiting him" Meghan suggested. I thought of that before but I still wanted their thoughts on him

Craig: "his file doesn't say anything after he transferred from the Navy Seals. I'll bet he went to a secret project or unit. I guess that's why there's so many 'REDACTEDS' on it. More proof that you should try and get him boss" his words held water. He was right, let alone his history with the Navy Seals suggests that he's a candidate. And the classified information further more suggests that he's very good

"Alright. I guess I'm hooked. I will try to get as much information as possible. It may be a while till I gather all the information on him, So for now let this be between us and no other. Understood ?" I wanted to confirm that it stays between us untill I'm sure that I can get him here

Meghan/Craig: "Yesir" they shouted

"Now if you'll excuse me, I got an operator to dig out. Wish me luck" this will be tiring. But with hard labour comes reward

Meghan/Craig: "good luck sir" they both said as they got up and walked to the door

I really hope he's going to make the difference we need with our task. Lately the missions were getting harder one mission at a time. Doesn't mean my operators cant handle difficult situations but it's like the white masks are putting up a fight. We diffuse a situation, oh let's say in Germany, And find out there's another over in London in a one day difference

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