Chapter 49: Blackout

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Alex's POV:

Day 2. It's the afternoon and Harry was sitting on the couch, going through some papers while I was having lunch at the kitchen's table. Mom didn't make it here, according to my request yesterday

Harry: "alright. Alex, tell me about your Delta days" he stood up and walked over to me, taking a chair that was cross from me

"You asking as Harry or Markon ?" I said as I swallowed my last bite

Harry: "I'm asking as Harry, but make it as if the answer was for the Justices" I took a deep breath

"Alright. I was nominated for Delta by my old commander when I was a Green Beret. I passed the tests, making me the last soldier to join Delta, along side 5 other soldiers" I took another deep breath and adjusted my seat

"We did what you'd expect us to do: ran raids, covert missions, search and rescue, eliminating High-Value targets, counter narcotics operations, and there's alot more I would happy to say if you got the time ?" I looked at Harry to confirm whether or not I should continue

Harry: "that won't be necessary. And was Edward Markon your commanding officer from the beginning ?"

"Yeah. He oversaw our entry tests to Delta" Harry held his chin with his hand

Harry: "he was your commanding officer from the start" he nodded to himself

Harry: "did he oversee your operations aswell ?"

"Most of them. The ones that were critical at least"

Harry: "was Operation Silver Bullet critical ?" His question caught me by surprise, making me stunned for a moment

"How do you know about that ?"

Harry: "you seem to forgot that I have your declassified file, Mr. Osiris" he said in a whitty tone of voice

"Right... Um... Operation Silver Bullet was critical, yeah. Edward Markon rolled as Overwatch on it"

Harry: "you have permission to disclose about the Operation, Alex. But when it's time, ask for the Justices for their permission. alright ?" I nodded

Harry: "carry on"

"Target was an African arms dealer in Mexico. He's been smuggling weapons for almost 6 years to America with ease, and the CIA didn't know how he smuggles them in, so they thought it would solve their problem if he was taken out instead of figuring out how he smuggles them in. Markon caught wind that the CIA was looking to get rid of him, so he offered our services"

Harry: "and what happened when you found him ?"

"We found him in a small village near the Mexican borders. He was well-guarded, and the whole thing was a fortress, but we managed to get in. Our orders were to take him out, only him. Those were our orders" Harry looked towards me, skeptical at my last sentence

Harry: "who else did you take out if your orders were to only take the arms dealer alone ?" He asked the million dollar question

"His family was in the safe house with him... a wife, and a 10 year old boy. That's when Markon- Overwatch" I corrected

"That's when Overwatch came in with new orders..."

Harry: "what were those new orders ?"

"Terminate. All. Tangos" remembering that mission made me sick to the stomach...

Harry: "christ... did you ?"

"Just before I could fight against it, our team leader had already fired his shots..."

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