Chapter 32: Hell's Kitchen

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For the love of god ppl, check out DERPMANNOOB's (Detected) I dont like how ppl aren't giving him a chance

Alex's POV:

It's been 4 days since Ela figured what happened between me and Meghan. I was having lunch, then the PA came alive


Holy shit, something is going on. That's alot for a mission. I got up and walked towards Mike and James

"Is this normal ? Lots of operators are being called today"

Mike: "it's not the first time, it happens quite often"

James: "it means we're landing a punch on those bloody bastards " after a few minutes, all the operators thats been called upon came in. Then Harry and Sam walked up the stage

Harry: "thank you for coming. Today, we commence fourth Operation Hell's Kitchen. There has been kidnappings from around the world, we thought that those were normal kind of kidnappings and the local authorities will take care of it, But we were wrong. The kidnappers were the White Masks. According to our captured Mask, they're preparing for an uknown attack in the future and needed a number of hostages in one place for a full devastating blow. We managed to locate where the hostages were held by the help of our prisoner. They are located at a major White Masks cell abandoned factory. The numbers of hostages are horrendous, to say the least. We're looking at more than a 100 men women and children. Your primary objective is to rescue all of them with minimum casualties if possible. Eliminating them will be difficult for us, that's why the US  military will lend a hand by sending back up after the hostages are cleared from the compound. A lot is at stake, ladies and gentlemen. Failure, is not an option. Any questions ?" Mike was the only one to raise his hand

Mike: "can we get a look at the compound ?" He asked, and Harry turned on the big tv that was untop of the stage

Sam: "the Main gates are south of the compound, side entrances are on east, west and north. But all entrances are heavily guarded all the same. We're going up against a cell so it's safe to say that there's a large number going up against us. FBI, Valkyrie, BlackBeard, and Toxin will be going in by the eastern entrance, GIGN with Buck and Frost breaching in western entrance, SAS on the northern entrance. then IQ, Bandit, Finka, Zofia, Ela will hold the main gates for the extraction of hostages with Glaz covering their tracks. Anymore questions ?" Non of us had any

Harry: "good. get ready, you leave in half an hour"

Everyone started walking towards the armory including myself. I wore my black uniform with my Gas Mask hanging on my belt and took my Hk assault rifle with the Kimber and two knives. I got up R&D to grab more canisters because the compound was too big to gas all of it with a couple of them. After that I walked to the airfield and waited for our ride with Craig, Meghan, and the FBI

"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec ?" I asked Meghan and she nodded. We walked away from the crowd for a private conversation

"Are we good ?" I asked

Meghan: "we are, I'll watch your back" she said with a smile

"And I'll do the same" I responded with a smile also. And walked back. The whole teams were gathered around

Eliza: "everyone here ? Good. Sync your comms channel with your own team, open channel is 40-65" then the assigned teams walked towards their helicopters

Eliza: "for us, it'll be 70-80. Understood ?" We all nodded and our ride landed

Eliza: "let's go, Afghanistan is half a day long. Jordan, watch Toxin for me"

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