Chapter 35: Deep Fear

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Alex's POV:

I woke up in my room, but I wasn't alone. Meghan was still sleeping peacefully beside me. But it wasn't long till she was up

Meghan: "morning" she greeted

"Good morning" then we locked lips

Meghan: "how're you feeling ?"

"My body's numb"

Meghan: "was that because of me ?" She said with a smirk

"More or less" she laughed at my comment

"But I do need to do physical therapy today" I got up

"Wanna go first ?" I said meaning the bathroom

Meghan: "sure, if you dont mind"

"Not at all" she got up from under the blanket and put her clothes on. I could only smile at my current situation. I got up and went to the kitchen to make some tea, it was done by the time she was out

"You should really taste the other flavors" I handed her a cup of her favorite

Meghan: "you cant blame me for only liking sweet, can you ?" I shook my head no

"I'll be right back" I put down my cup on the table and went inside the bathroom

I wanted to brush my teeth first, but before I could, I looked at the mirror, my eyes widened in terror, I was now experiencing the gas's effects. I saw my own face reflected on me, bloodied and red eyes. I kept staring at myself, I was horrified at what was infront of me. My subconscious was showing me what I'm most scared of, me. Before I could think about anything, I punched the mirror in fear breaking the glass, which resulted in my knuckle bleeding

Meghan: "Alex ? Everything ok ?" She asked behind the door

"Yeah, yeah. Everything ok" I lied. I took another look at the mirror and saw no signs of it. I took some bandages out from the first aid-kit that was in the bathroom and began wrapping my knuckle up. I quickly brushed my teeth and walked out

Meghan: "hey. wow, what happened to your hand ?"

"The water was too hot" she looked at me for a couple of seconds in disbelief

Meghan: "fine. Anyways, since you got out of your coma last night, you need to go talk to Harry" she informed

"What for ?"

Meghan: "he was worried you weren't going to pull through"

"Ok, let's go" before I opened the door, Meghan grabbed my shoulder

Meghan: "wait, can I ask you something ?" I turned around


Meghan: "we should probably hide whatever's going on between us" I smiled

Meghan: "it's just that, we just started and letting everyone know we're together can backfire"

"I agree" I answered truthfully

Meghan: "now I can't tell if you're saying what I want to hear or that it was truthfully"

"You can't tell if it was a lie because it's not. I honestly think it could backfire"

Meghan: "thank you" then I wrapped my arms around her

"But Ela does know about that night" she pulled away

Meghan: "how ??" She looked at me with wide eyes

"She saw you walk in that night, so she came back the next morning and staked out the room to see if you're still in"

Meghan: "fuck, I'll have to talk to her"

"No need, she said she'll keep that night a secret. But I doubt she knows we're together now"

Meghan: "I'll still need to talk to her"

"Suit yourself. Let's go" I got out to see if the coast was clear, which was. Then Meghan walked out and began our walk to Harry's office. The hallway had slight reflections, and because of that, the bloody version of me kept walking with us. We were outside Harry's door, I knocked a few times and got a 'come in' from him

Meghan: "look what the cat dragged in" she walked in first and said

Harry: "Alex ? Gustave said that you have a few weeks till your coma"

"Well, I'm glad that he was wrong"

Harry: "Meghan, can you give me a few minutes with him ?" He asked and she nodded

Meghan: "I'll be in the mess hall" she said and left

Harry: "please" he gestured to the chair, which I took

Harry: "how are you feeling ?"

"Tired, but I'll be good to go in a few days sir" the bloodied version of me appeared behind Harry's seat, it escalated from reflections to forming up in thin air. He was just staring at me. I couldn't react to his presence cuz of Harry, not now

Harry: "I'm glad to hear that. I understand why you had to use the gas on the hostages in order to get them and the SAS out" the bloody version of me kept staring, he was so fucking bloody from head to toe. I couldn't keep eye contact with Harry, all I could do was take glances at the bloody me while looking at Harry

Harry: "are you sure you're alright Alex ?"

"Like I said, I'll be good in a few days"

Harry: "well, you're dismissed. We'll talk about Hell's Kitchen later"

"Thank you sir" I said and immediately got up and walked out

My next destination wasn't the mess hall, it was R&D. More specifically, my working station. I couldn't run because of my injuries, all I could do was just walk slowly. The bloodied me was still on me, I felt his presence. After I got up to the lab I saw Elena

Elena: "Alex ? You're not in a coma anymore ?"

"I'm so sorry Elena, but I'm in a hurry"

Elena: "oh, ok" I passed her and went to my bench

'Where is it, where is it!' I searched through my bench for atleast one vial

'All I need is one, please just one' I kept looking. But couldn't find even one vial

'No' I sat up and lost focus. I just sat at my chair staring out. Making the cure isn't hard, its just takes time, time that I dont have

'I'll keep seeing him until I make more' I said to myself. I took the chemical components and the chemistry equipment that I need to make the cure to my room. I dont care about safety protocols right now, all I want is the cure

Poor guy... anyways, how's the chapter ? I think the story will be done by either chapter 47 or something between 40 and 55. Signing out

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