Chapter 51: The Verdict

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Alex's POV:

Mom and I were still sitting on the same bench. I kept my eyes closed while trying not to let my thoughts get the best of me. Ever since we exited the courtroom, Harry was nowhere to be found. And the Justices said to give them two hours but I lost time, I couldn't figure out how much more was left

There was a time where I couldn't care less about jail, when I had nothing but my Delta family. But now, now that I have Meg... I couldn't take not seeing her when I was on house arrest in the hotel. Prison is gonna be much worse

Harry was seen all of a sudden power walking towards us, sweating, and looking like a mess with his tie loosened, holding a laptop along with his briefcase. His eyes were showing obvious stress

Mom: "he doesn't look good" she said, eyeing Harry

"You ok boss ?" I stood up as he finally reached us

Harry: "you need to watch this. Now!" He ordered stressfully as he practically shoved the laptop in my chest

"Watch what ?" I asked back, having no idea of what he meant as I held the laptop in my hands

Harry: "luck has finally smiled at us" he said, his voice trembling. He pulled the USB that was stuck in the laptop and walked away

Mom: "Alex, what's he talking about ?" She stood next to me, as I kept my eye at the direction which Harry took. Then I turned my attention back to the laptop

"This is the answer I think..." I said and sat back down, with her sitting back down next to me

I pulled up the screen, and found a video with lots of files under it. This must be what Harry told me to see

I saw the video Harry wanted me to see... and I was shocked to see Oliver... behind his black mask, staring at me... so I pressed 'play' and Oliver began talking

Oliver: "this is a recording for you, Alex"

And just like that, my whole core was shaking as I kept listening to him. Listening to him while he explains everything. From that time in Kabul, to the information he has on Markon. I kept my ears perked as I listened for every word he said about Markon. How he pulled him from under the rubble in Afghanistan, to funding The White Masks. But one thing has sent another shock down my spine, something I thought I knew, but was surprised to hear there's more of it

Markon wants Delta reactivated to use them against other countries. Something I could've never thought he would do. Mom, shocked and surprised covered her mouth, and had her fullest attention on the video

Oliver went silent now, which I thought would be the end of the recording as my attention straid to the corridors. Then, he spoke again, taking off his mask, revealing a scar starting from his left eye, going down to his mouth

The Mask: "I am sorry for how this whole thing came down. And I hope that blonde woman is okay. Maybe in another lifetime I would've been able to get to know the woman who stole your heart, but I guess it's not this lifetime. I guess it's not in the cards. I'm proud of you, just know that, as would Henry, Mj, John, and Travis"

then the video turned black after that last statement

My attention strayed back again to the corridors as I closed down the laptop's screen. Oliver, the Oliver I knew was still in there. The Oliver I thought died was still in there. Not The Mask. That was Oliver talking to me, explaining everything to me, apologizing.. to me... telling me he was proud of me... alongside the others... I could feel the tears in my eyes forming

"Markon..." I said, voice breaking out of anger

Oliver had a vision of peace, a world with no more innocent lives being thrown down the drain. That was the vision he told me about before we started our first mission together as Delta Force. That same vision, Markon weaponized it, alternating it just so Oliver would do the dirty work for him, just so he can bring Delta back

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