Chapter 13: hackers love a challenge

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Alex's POV:

"You ok ?" I asked with a smile

Sam: "If I wasnt you'd be getting more than that smile of yours" he said in a threatening tone. We both pulled out the gloves and hopped off the ring

"So how'd you know about me ?" I said taking a seat on the nearest bench

Sam: "Al Father was an old friend" he said standing not taking a seat

I took a few seconds to process the news. Oliver told us stories about Splinter Cell, with Sam's Name being mentioned here and there along with 3rd Echelon, he'd told us how they stopped the Cyber Attacks in New York back in '08

Sam: "he was a field agent in 3rd Echelon before he became Delta"

Seems like he hid a few things about his life

"He told us stories about you, that's how I recognized your name. But he never said he used to work there" I said while looking down at the ground

Sam: "just like the Delta Force, 3rd Echelon didn't officially exist back then. That's why he didn't tell you about himself working there" he informed

Sam: "but it's a good thing he got out when he did" he stated

"What do you mean ?" I asked

Sam: "after Oliver left for the Delta trainings, we caught wind that there was a mole within our ranks. After that whole ordeal, 3rd Echelon was disbanded" he said also while looking down

Sam: "I kept communications with Oliver at the time, he told me about you and the others. It was obvious that he was proud of you all after every operation" it was nice hearing that

"Thank you, Sam"

Sam: "I know how it feels to be the only survivor while they're 6ft under, a guilt like that is never easy" he tried comforting me

Sam: "I'm the only Splinter Cell alive. And I got the few last loyal people from 3rd Echelon to help with the new 4th Echelon" he informed

"How's that going for you ?" I asked

Sam: "so far, good. We get a direct line with the president"

"Sounds like the supervisor who you cant get rid off" I sarcastically commented

Sam: "you have no idea... I watched your sim, you bested 2 mean CQC experts and walked away unscathed"

"Yeah, with a killer headache. Lasted for the whole next day"

Sam: "yeah.. thats what you get when you face one of the Bozaks. I heard you sent her sister Zofia to the infirmary"

"It was the only way to beat that woman, she dont give up, even after I  injured her the doc had to pull her away when she wanted to continue the fight"

Sam: "she was the only Operator to beat me. Chul, Taina, Monika. They all couldn't. Maxim was close on knocking me out but I managed to end the fight before he could. Now it's you and Zofia who got me" yeah figures that he's that good

"I never went against that Russian. You think I should ?" I asked

Sam: "no, not until you get their trust" he answered

"So he'll kill me ? Noted" he nodded

Sam: "Harry filled you in about those White Masks ?" He asked and I shook my head

"No. But I know Rainbow was reactivated by Aurelia Arnott because of them. Rainbow havent made any progress with them ?" I asked

Sam: "no, they landed heavy punches to them over the years of reactivation but the bastards wouldn't take a knee to lick their own wounds"

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