Chapter 25: field testing

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Meghan's POV:

"So it eventually worked ?" I asked Grace. We were in the lounge area with Ela, Emma, and Monika

Grace: "yes. But it was frustrating when we tried everything. Eventually I came with the idea of rebuilding a whole new database. Which made it work"

Ela: "and Alex ? Didnt you say he's better than you in codes ?"

Grace: "what ?! I didn't say he's better! I said he's slightly under my level"

Ela: "then why did he ask for your help"

Grace: "I dont know, Maybe he's into me. The thing is he's not my type" and then the whole room bursts into laughter

Grace: "what ? What are you laughing about ?"

Monika: "no reason" she said

Emma: "yeah, no reason at all" she said while trying to hold her laugh

"So when's the field testing ?" I asked

Grace: "I dont know, maybe afternoon ?"

Ela: "the goggles were a smart idea if I'm being honest"

Emma: "yeah I always thought taking out the box for a scan and then putting it away was untactical"

Monika: "maybe he can get your drone to jump, Emma" and we laughed again at the comment

Emma: "there's no room for a jumping mechanism, you know that" she told Monika

"How's Zofia ?" I asked Ela

Ela: "good, she finished the physical therapy and I think she'll be cleared for duty in the next few days"

Grace: "so I assume you all read about Alex's Gas ?" And they all nodded

Emma: "how do we feel about having a weapon like that ?"

"Harry wouldn't bring him along if he was any danger to us. Besides, he's a good guy"

Monika: "what makes you say that ?"

"Because he's a Navy Seal"

Grace: "used to"

Ela: "Zofia told me when he gassed the whole building, it looked like a mini version of the attack on Bartlett"

"Dont tell me you think-" she cut me off

Ela: "no I'm not saying that, the Gas that was used on Bartlett was yellow. Zofia said his Gas was orange. What I'm saying is it looks terrifying just like the attack on Bartlett. That's all according to her"

Grace: "not to mention that he's got a truth serum"

Monika: "it's not a truth serum"

Grace: "any serum used in interrogation is truth serum in my book"

"But I believe you're cool with Alex now, Ela ?" I asked

Ela: "yes, he saved my sister and I was only mean to him under false circumstances"

"Meaning, they were childish reasons" I corrected

Ela: "shut up or I'll mine up your whole room" she threatened with her Grzmot Mines

Alex's POV:

I was in my room. I was informed that my uniform was cleaned and fixed. I remembered that it was probably time to call my mom now. Half an hour had past, the call consisted of her scolding me because I promised to call every week, which I didn't. After we were done talking, I heard knocks on the door. I opened it and found Meghan

Meghan: "hey, was I interrupting something ?"

"No no, I just finished talking to my mom. Everything good on your end ?" I asked

Meghan: "yeah, wanna join me in the gym ?" She asked

"Sure. But can we check up on Zofia first ?"

Meghan: "she's there. I'll wait outside till you change" so I did go in and change, at this point you already know I'm going for the long sleeve sport top. I went outside and saw Meghan leaning on the wall

"Let's go" I said and we both started walking

Meghan: "what's with the long sleeves ? I never saw you wearing anything else"

"Does there have to be a reason ? I just like them"

Meghan: "it's just weird, but I guess that's who you are" we arrived at the Gym and saw Zofia punching a bag with Doc by her side holding a notepad. So we approached them

"Hey Zofia, you doing good ?"

Zofia: "tak, I'm done with physical therapy. Which was unnecessary" she looked at Doc as she said the last part

Gustave: "yes, hate the doctor who makes sure you're fully recovered" he commented

Meghan: "glad to hear you doing alright, Zo"

Zofia: "I'll see you later" she said and we both walked to the weights section

Meghan: "when's the field testing for the new goggles ?" She asked

"Later this afternoon. Wanna join ?" I offered

Meghan: "sure" she accepted

"I mean if you want, I only offered because I thought you might be free or something. If you're busy-" she cut me off

Meghan: "relax, I'll be there with you" she said while putting her hand on my shoulder

"Sorry, I'm not that great in social interactions"

Meghan: "you're a Seal, how aren't you great in that area ?"

"Back then all I wanted was to finish the mission, I didn't want to get friends because of the possibility of losing them" I said getting flashes of Oliver and the rest

Meghan: "you lost someone before ?" She took me out

"No, thanks to how I operate" I lied

Meghan: "but right now, I'm your friend" she said and we both kept eye contact for brief seconds

Meghan: "dont worry, my fight wont end that easily" she looked away

"Hope not" I said and she smirked at that comment

I tied my hair with the band Meghan gave me, and began working out. A few hours passed and it was already the afternoon. Within those few hours, Meghan and I worked around everywhere, treadmills, dumbbells, barbells, etc..

"I'm gonna go shower"

Meghan: "same, I'll see you in the training area" and I walked out

I reached my dorm. Ive put freshly new clothes on the couch and went in to shower. After I was done I put them on and started my walk to R&D. I arrived and saw Elena and Jack over at my bench

Elena: "Alex, you ready for the tests ?" I nodded

Elena: "great, is Grace coming ?"

"I dont know, but I think Meghan is coming"

Jack: "so where's the goggles" i opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a black box which had the goggles in them

"Right here"

Elena: "let's move" she ordered and we started walking with me carrying the black box. Eventually we arrived at the training area

Elena: "ok the first test will be a sim, the rest will be technical. Jack, go grab a gun. There's 7 recruits in the kill house and you'll be testing the goggles on them"

Elena began explaining how to get maximum results for the upcoming tests. Meghan joined us, and suggested to use her cameras for more details on the results

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