Chapter 8: call it a tie ?

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Alex's POV:

I Saw the defenders walk up just outside one of the entry points

Harry: "Alex!" I heard Harry call out for me. I walked up to him

Harry: "here's a cellphone that contains all the operators information and a means of contacting them" he stated as he handed me a new phone

Harry: "and here are 2 drones, one for the prepping phase and one after if you choose to use it. You control the drones via the cellphone. Any questions ?"

"No sir" I answered

Harry: "here's a body cam, it's for me to asses your performance and for the operators to watch what you can do. And go grab rubber munitions from the box over there" he said pointing at a box near the building

Harry: "your main objective is elimination, eliminate as much as you can" he informed me

Harry: "I will be at the side lines alongside Craig, Mike and Meghan" he said and immediately walked away. I grabbed the bullets and heard a voice over the PA

VOICE: "Defenders to the map" as the voice ordered, I saw the 5 get in the building

VOICE; "45 SECONDS. DRONES OUT" the voice ordered. I got in position but didn't throw any of my drones. It wasn't about saving up, if the objective is eliminating them then they'll be scattered all over the building so there was no point


'Alright. Game face on' I mumbled. I turned the body cam on and heard


I immediately starting walking to the back of the building, there had to be a back door to this place. I reached my destination and with no surprise I was right, there was a barricaded door, and a barricaded window a few feet next to it. I planned on droning to see If there was anyone behind the door or window. There was white noise around my screen, so I assumed it was some kind of jammer, or someone. So I decided to go through the window. I jumped in through the barricaded window and immediately took cover, bullets were flying at me across the hallway, I took a peak to see Vigil, which he then ran away. Oh no you dont. With cautious, I got out from my cover and trained my aim to the cover Vigil was holding. There were stairs on my right so I went up to them, and was met by shotgun shells flying at me and immediately jumped left into a room, It was Pulse. I counted 3 shots were fired at me and suddenly stopped, no way he ran out, I was in cover and all of a sudden, shotgun shells came out of the wall that was next me, non hit me but I immediately went out to the hallway and went inside another room. Seems like Pulse can locate my position and wall bang shells on my location. So I had to fake him out somehow or I'm dead. I had an idea, he wont get in the room but will wall bang as soon as he sees my position, so I stood near the room's door and waited for him. So after a few seconds he shot at me through the walls which was the sign I needed to get out of the door and eliminate him. My plan was successful, he was too focused on shooting the wall down so I immediately jumped out and didn't give him time to react, I put 4 bullets in him making him officially eliminated. 4 hostiles left. I began roaming the 2nd floor which had a large living room and lots of rooms, I saw the german holding down the 2nd floor and... is that weed I smell ? I immediately pushed that idea out of my mind and focused. I saw the german aiming his weapon down the other staircase, with that, I fired 2 bullets, one went for the joint he was smoking and the other was a clear headshot. 3 left. After that, it was time for the stealth approach, which was very late but had to try it out with these guys. I began roaming silently and heard footsteps down the hallway, I didn't investigate, I just held my position and knew they'll come out eventually. Few seconds have passed and I  saw a barrel of a gun coming out of the corner that I was waiting on, when I got a clear shot, I fired 3 and non of them were headed for the head, it was intentional because I learned the woman named Ela was on the receiving end so I didn't wanna piss her off by giving her major headaches for the next few days. I dropped her and went downstairs. 2 to go. I walked around a corner and saw the skull lady waiting on me, she knocked my rifle out my hand and shoved me on a wall

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