Chapter 5: New blood

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Alex's POV:

The alarm went off indicating that it's the morning already. A big day is facing me today, meeting new people and the full evaluation thing, I'm just worried about the psychology evaluation thing, as much as I hate to admit it, Harry is right, the report is a must whether I like it or not. As for the operators not getting a full glimpse of my file, i have a feeling that they wont like that very much.

I got up and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. After that I pulled a black long sleeved shirt with black jeans from the closet. I got out and walked towards the mess hall, I noticed some people were going there aswell, they gave me strange looks, wouldn't blame them, I was a complete stranger and would stay that way even after Harry introduces me to them

I arrived. The place was packed full of people. but amazingly, the mess hall was big enough for the whole base, not just the operators. I went to the buffet and picked what I wanted, scrambled eggs with bacon on the side and honey tea, I looked for an empty booth to sit, surprisingly, there was plenty, so I picked the one in the middle. Again, people are staring at me and even heard one of them say "is that him ?".
I ignored them and just continued eating my food, then Craig sat over me with his tray that was full of food

Craig: "Hey man, how's the food ?" He asked while looking at me

"Its simple, but I guess even simple in this place is good" I gave an answer. I dont know how the chef made the eggs delicious, but good thing he did. As for the tea, I can do better

Craig: "yeah, that's what happens when you join a multi world organization, everyone here aren't from the same place, even the chefs" he stated

"So we're the only Americans here ?" I asked. wouldn't hurt to know my teammates before the introductions, right ?

Craig: "dont worry, you'll meet everyone when Harry puts you on the stand" the stand, it was beneath the huge screen, that's where I'll be in a few moments I guess

"So what's with the meat ? Even so, why at breakfast ?" I asked gesturing for the steak and bacon on his plates

Craig: "calories, my friend. I need them. I burn a lot in one day so that's why I need them" now that I think about it, he does have a well-built body. He goes big when it comes to weights I guess

Meghan's (Valkyrie's) POV:

I got in the mess hall and went to grab my food, steak with a side of bacon. It wasn't a lot comparing it to Craig's diet. I grabbed my tray and saw Craig sitting with someone I never saw before. I went to my friends' booth and sat. There was Emma 'Twitch' Grace 'Dokkaebi' Ela, and James 'Smoke'

"How's it going" I greeted

Grace: "Did you see the guy sitting with Craig ?" She gestured over to their booth

"Yeah, he's the new guy I think"

Ela: "it's been a while since we got a new specialist"

James: "he doesn't look like much, hope he can keep up with us"

It's ok to tell them now since Harry got him to join I think

"He's a Navy Seal, or was. Harry showed me his file, black was everywhere" I stated

James: "so another Nøkk ? Bloody 'ell" he said. Disappointment were in his eyes

Emma: "when was that ?" Asked while keeping eye contact with me

"Couple of months ago. Harry told me not to say anything because he wasn't sure that he'll get him" Erick joined (Maverick)

Erick: "Hey"

Everyone: "Hey"

Erick: "what're you guys talking about" he said as he took a bite out of his cookie

Emma: "remember when Harry went out of the base for 'business' as he said ?" She was explaining

Erick: "yeah ? He just got back right ?"

Ela: "the guy sitting with Craig over there is the 'business' " she said pointing at their booth

"He's been working on getting him for a long while now"

Erick: "he looks so familiar" he kept looking towards the guy

Grace: "what ??"

Erick: "yeah. I feel like I've trained with him somewhere. I just cant pinpoint where" he got back to his food after that

James: "we'll now in a bit, Harry just walked in"

I looked towards Harry who was walking over to the stage. I looked at the new guy who seemed nervous

Harry: "can I please have everyone's attention ?" He said in a high tone so that the whole operators could hear him

Harry: "today, we'll welcome together a new specialist. I've sent his file to your phones. Please welcome Alexander Osiris codenamed Toxin" he gestured to Alex who got up and went up the stage with Harry. All the operators were watching

Toxin: "thank you, Harry. I've heard so much about team rainbow and its operators. I can tell that you guys dont mess around when it comes to the bad guys. Its an honor to be working with all of you" a minute ago he was so nervous that his whole face was red, Now he looked to be confident in kissing our asses

James next to me seemed to be annoyed from something that was on his phone, he raised his hand

Harry: "yes james ?" He gestured to him knowing he had a question

James: "the file here didn't include anything after the Seals. Not to mention the black ink" all the operators seemed to agree with him

Harry: "I'm sorry to say but the commanders over in Washington instructed me not to share his full file. But the evaluation for today will be ready for all of you"

Mike(Thatcher): "so you want us to be all jolly and rainbow with a lad that doesn't trust us enough for his full paperwork ?" It seemed strange, yes. But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing

Alex: "look old timer, I like the privacy, and im sure there are somethings that you dont want people to find out about" he kept eye contact with Mike, he got up from his seat and walked to the new guy

Mike: "Yes but you see, somethings like you said, not all. Your file just says you were with the fokkin seals and the trails end there, Its obvious you've been places after that, so drop the whole ghost shtick because it wont do you or your teammates any good" he was right, it was kind of a gamble trusting Nøkk, but it worked out in the end

Toxin: "tell you what, I'll show all of you exactly who I am today, you wont need my file for that" they were face to face

Harry: "now now, gentlemen. Alexander's evaluation starts today, Mike, no injuries are needed" he pulled them away from eachother before this place really turns into a mess hall

End of this chapter boys, would honestly like some opinions on it. Signing out

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