Chapter 28: Recon 2

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Alex's POV:

Next morning was upon us. I went out to get breakfast, because I had a feeling that Nøkk wont go to the hotel's buffet. So I brought back breakfast for the both of us. Before I entered her room through our door, I asked

"Hey Nøkk you decent ?"

Nøkk: "yes" she answered simply

Nøkk: "where did you go ?" She asked

"Went out to get breakfast, I thought maybe you wont go to the buffet because, well, they're public and has a lot of people in it" a couple of seconds passed while both of us were silent

Nøkk: "thanks"

"No problem"

We started eating, throughout the whole process, me and Nøkk were just eating in silence. It was.. refreshing, to eat with someone but also just eating in piece without being alone. After we finished eating Nøkk said

Nøkk: "there's a rumor going on about you back in base"

"Yeah ? Like what"

Nøkk: "Grace told me while I was packing that some operators think that you are Delta Force" what...? But.. how ?

"Delta Force ? To be honest, wish I made the cut. I only applied but I couldn't complete the trainings. But I think eventually they stopped the program because no one made the cut" I played it simply

Nøkk: "except, I know that Delta wanted perfect soldiers who can do every role of a soldier perfectly. I asked Grace about what you're specialized in, shall I continue ?" Fuck

"What do you want me to say..." my tone changed

Nøkk: "nothing. But know that you're secret is safe with me. Same as mine is safe with you" she pulled her hoodie down

Nøkk: "my name is Karina Gaarddhøje" she looked to be in her thirties, just like me

"You figured out my secret, but you just told me yours, why ?" I asked hella confused

Karina: "because, You and I are the same, Alone" she stated

"You're secret is safe with me" shit went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick. She figured me out, and told me her secret at the same time. Wow

"I would've trusted you either way, Karina"

Karina: "Maybe, but you'll still have bits of doubt in your subconscious if I didn't tell you" I didn't know what to say after that statement

Karina: "we should go scout the place Harry sent me till night drops" she said

"Yeah, I'll go get my gear"

So the thing about my canisters will be tricky, I only brought 3, if Harry instructs us to attack after we inform him what we found and the area was large, gassing it will be difficult because of that. Ive put on black clothes like a black jacket and black pants, and went to Karina

"You ready ?" I asked

Karina: "yeah, Let's go"

So after a long drive, we arrived to the location Harry sent us. It was an abandoned train tracks. We parked far to not get any suspicions. I saw that Karina wore black clothes like me instead of her uniform

"Wanna lead or should I ?" I asked

Karina: "I dont do well with others" I gave her a smile

"I can work with that, let's just scout the area for entry points and wait till night" it was currently the afternoon

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