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Alex's POV:

??: "Osiris! Get up, sunshine!" I opened my eyes just slightly as the prison guard rang his baton against the cell bars, making an unappreciated annoying noise

"Leave me alone, Hanks..." I told him while my eyes were barely wake, still having the need to sleep some more

Hanks: "your Doctor wants to see you. If you don't get up, I'm gonna come in there and drag you out myself" he threatened

I know I said that prison camps aren't that bad, but that didn't mean they were also good. Still, it was better than your regular every-day prison

With letting out grunts, I stood up, throwing on the original orange inmate shirt and walked up to the cell's door, waiting for Hanks to open it

Hanks: "that wasn't so hard, was it ?" He said with a smirk as he opened the door, and me walking out of my own cell

"Can I get breakfast first ? I'm hungry" I said while basically fighting the sleep that was taking over

Hanks: "later. Get a move on" he ordered as he closed the door behind me

Now, he was walking behind me as I started walking down some stairs, then navigating through the prison, till I reached a push-door guarded by two prison guards holding batons

Hanks: "he's got an appointment with the Doc" he clarified to the guards, getting one of them to nod and to open the doors for us

I walked through, revealing a long white corridor. Me and Hanks walked along with it, taking a right turn, which finally revealed a door with a nametag that read Dr. Eleanor Martinez. I knocked twice and got permission to get in to a neatly organized office. Hanks walked away because there wasn't any need for him to stay

Eleanor: "Alex! So glad to see you. Please, have a seat" a Hispanic woman in her late 40's said

"Eleanor, couldn't this wait till noon ? I didn't get much sleep and I'm hungry" I took the seat that was infront of her desk, with her at her own seat behind the desk

Eleanor: "I know I know. Our sessions usually start in the afternoon, But with the news I have for you, you'll understand why" I crossed my arms

"What news ?" I playfully asked, knowing exactly what news she had

Eleanor: "you're kidding, right ? You basically counted the seconds. You know exactly what I'm talking about" she asked, not believing my ploy to actually make her say it

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I kept up the act. Frustrated, she sighed and held her temple

Eleanor: "it's been three months..." she folded, making my smile grow wider

"Really ? Time really does fly"

No it hasn't. It literally felt more than three months for me. But that didn't mean I wasn't happy. I was fucking ecstatic! But I kept it down at the low

Eleanor: "I know you're happy, Alex. Especially because you'll see Meghan"

not a day went by that I haven't thought of her

Eleanor: "but we have one slight altercation to face here, Alex..." that doesn't sound so good coming from from her voice

"What altercation ?"

Eleanor: "I have to sign your release forum, meaning I have to clear your mental health first" I leaned in closer to her desk while remaining seated

"Eleanor, we talked about this; I don't have PTSD and you know it"

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