Chapter 12: simple ?

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Alex's POV:

"Hello, ma'am" I greeted with my hand being out. She was holding a notepad and seemed very busy

Elena: "make it quick" she said not looking at me, in what seems to be a spanish accent

"I'm Alex, The new guy" I informed

Elena: "Yes, I know who you are" she turned around

Elena: "are you here for your gadget's evaluation ? You're not on my schedule so you'll have to wait" she started walking and quickly I followed after her

"No no, I hear you're the director here so I was wondering if you could give me a work station or something to work on my gadget" I asked

Elena: "we'll see after your gadget evaluation, now stop wasting my time" she stopped in her tracks and looked at me

"How about this, you give me a spot here, and then you can do your evaluations. Deal ?" A few seconds passed, then I saw her burst into laughter

Elena: "your gadget will be evaluated even if I say no to your deal. And besides, you will just wreck this place down, you know how I know that ?" She asked

"How ?" I asked in return

Elena: "because I know nothing about you, you walk in here asking for a seat expecting I would give you one because why not ? This place is not like whatever hole you crawled out of" she informed. After a few seconds she spoke again

Elena: *sigh* "you'll just have to be like everyone else who is not an engineer if you want to work on your gadget, be on the lab's schedule. That's your only way"

"Ok, sorry to waste your time ma'am" as I said that, I started walking to the exit

Harry informed me that for our sessions, I would be taking a car from the parking lot and meet him over his house. Will be a bit weird because England drives on the wrong side of the road, but I guess I'll have to improvise. So now I was headed to Harry's home for our 2nd session which will always be in evenings

After I asked the guard where the car Harry left me, he gave me the keys and pointed to where it was parked. So after I turned the ignition on I started driving with the GPS to the house. After an hour of driving I reached my destination. after I parked up the car, I went to knock on the door, i was greeted by Harry who gestured me in. We walked up to his office, and started our session

After 2 or maybe 3 hours had passed, me and Harry just went quiet, guess he's out of questions

Harry: "Alex ?" I guess he has one more question

"Yeah ?" I responded

Harry: "I remember your file said that you were fluent in a number of languages" he asked

"Yeah, Delta Force made sure that every one of their operators can never face an unsolvable problem, like if we didn't know the hostage's language. So they made sure we were fluent in Russian, German, Spanish, French, Polish, and Arabic. I'm not sure we're as fluent in Araboc as the locals but atleast they understood us"

We were easing in on my history with Delta slowly. Which I'm still against the idea, but in order to start doing my job with Team Rainbow, finishing this evaluation is a must

Timeskip to the next day *

Alex's POV:

I was having breakfast in my usual booth, I know that the SAS offered me a seat with them, but I honestly like eating by myself. I finished my food and threw my garbage in the bin. I thought of going to the gym for a bit of training, but then I heard over the PA

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