Chapter 10: initiative

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Sorry for the late upload. is it late ? I cant tell because of the whole different time zones thing

Alex's POV:

Everything seems intact from my Gas canisters to the materials of creating it. I took out one of the liquid vials, not the cure, and kept staring at it. After a while I looked at my phone and saw that it was evening, I guess I stayed here longer than expected. I put the liquid back to its place and locking the crate to go out

I was walking to Harry's office. There was fewer operators than before. I passed the gym and saw Craig and Meghan in the weights section of the gym, looked like they were competing or something. I continued walking until I reached Harry's door, I knocked a few times and heard a 'come in'

Harry: "right on time Mr. Osiris. Follow me" but I just got here ? He walked out of the office and held the door for me

"We're not doing the evaluation here ?" I asked, he shook his head no

Harry: "we'll do it in my home" he said while smiling

I followed him. After a while we reached to what seems to be the parking lot. Harry and I got into a car

"Why not your office ?" I asked again as he turned the ignition on

Harry: "I need to thoroughly evaluate you" he answered

After what seems to be an hour or so, we reached our destination and pulled up on the driveway of the house, it had trees around that looked to be well-taken care of. Harry hopped off and I did the same. We walked to the door and saw Harry pull up a set of keys which was obviously his home's keys. We walked in and Harry said the famous British rule: no shoes in the house. I complied and followed him to what seems to be the living room. A woman walked out to us who seems to be at Harry's tall

??: "oh I thought you wont be home till later, Darling" she said and gave Harry a kiss on his cheeks

Harry: "finished the paperwork early" he answered and gave the woman a kiss on her forehead

??: "and this must be the gentleman that you told me about" she gestured at me

Harry: "oh where are my manners. Alex, this is my wife Olivia" as he said that I got my hand out for a formal greeting, Which she took

"Its a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Pandey" I said with a smile

Olivia: "please, call me Olivia" I did the absolute best of me not to laugh. They have the same introduction in common

Olivia: "Harry said you'd be visiting us soon, i didn't imagine it to be this soon" she said

Harry: "I found an opening and I took it, sorry for not giving you any heads up, love" he apologized

Olivia: "it's alright honey. I assume you're taking him to your office ?" Harry nodded

Harry: "please dont tire yourself with any beverages. The water in my office will do" which she nodded and left

Harry: "follow me Alex" I did as what he ordered

"Quite the beautiful home, Harry" I admired the big house

Harry: "thank you. Olivia did all the work from designing it to the furniture" he said while we were walking up the stairs to the 2nd floor. We reached his office, and I wasn't so surprised that his office was also beautiful like the rest of the house

 We reached his office, and I wasn't so surprised that his office was also beautiful like the rest of the house

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Harry gestured for me to sit on a chair, he pulled one up and sat across behind the desk

Harry: "allow me to explain a few things. For only a week, you wont be going on missions with your fellow squadrons, for two reasons; the first is your psychological evaluation, which will be sessions throughout the week. And the second is for you to build trust around the base with the operators. So at the end of the week, our sessions will come to an end. Any questions ?" He said pouring us two glasses of water

"No sir" I answered

Harry: "Alex, you have to understand that this is for your own good, I have to know how your brain operates, I have to know your past, I have to know you. I ask of you to not hide anything"

"I will. I promise. You took the initiative by taking me to your home and to meet your wife, good move" I stated

Harry: "i had to show you that I trust you in order to get your trust in me, it's only fair, am I correct ?" He asked

"Yeah" I agreed

Harry: "remember, this more for you than Rainbow or anyone back there. Let us start"

After 3 or 4 hours had passed, the session was over. The first session was pretty basic, he wanted to know me and my up bringing. I told him what I remember from the stories my grandfather told me to what my mother taught me in Chemistry, I told him that I gained more information in college about that subject and did very well. He asked if I had a regular experience in college like others would do. I told him no, I didn't go out for parties or drinks with anyone, and that I didn't have much friends, i told him there was a girl who I thought she would consider me atl east a friend but I was far from being right

After the session was over Harry offered me the guest room to sleep in for the night, i politely declined and said I'll find my way to base. I said my goodbyes to him and left. I went to the city and remembered that this was a perfect opportunity for me to get the groceries I need. So I opened the GPS that was on my phone and looked for the nearest british 24/7 super market or something like that, it was 10 minutes away from me, so I started walking. After exactly 10 minutes I reached the store and went in. It was empty, not a surprise in a time like now. After going around the store for a few minutes, I got what I needed. After I paid for everything I got out and ordered an uber from my phone, not Rainbow's phone, my personal phone. After 10  minutes or so my ride pulled up and I put my groceries in the trunk and got in. I gave the driver directions to the nearest landmark that was close to the Hereford base. After an hour have passed we arrived, but I still had to walk  all the way to the base. I paid the driver and pulled my things out of the trunk and started the walk. Shortly after 15 minutes I arrived at the main gate where the security guards were stationed. I pulled out my ID and with that, the guards let me in. After walking in the halls I reached my dorm and opened the door, I put the groceries in the kitchen so I can organize them, some went in the fridge and some were put in the cabinets. After organizing the kitchen, I went to the bedroom because I was very tired

End of the Chapter. Thoughts ? Signing out.

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