Chapter 11: R&D

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I woke up the next morning, did my usual routine, shower, get in new long sleeved shirt, and head out for breakfast. I grabbed my food and went to an empty booth, before I could dig in, Craig, Meghan, and Maverick who I think is Erik, sat across me

Craig: "helluva show you did yesterday man" he said while getting situated in his seat

"Thanks, but I think Ela is out for me because of that" I stated

Craig: "oh, I didn't mean the sim, but yeah that also was one helluva show" he meant the shooting range I guess

Erik: "so Alex, why Toxin ?" He asked

"I didn't pick it" i responded with the truth

Erik: "who did" he asked yet again

Craig: "drop it, Thorn" He interrupted

Erik: "I genuinely wanna know the guy since his file ain't out" he responds. I had a feeling that he's not lying

"My br-... my old teammates" I was hesitant

Meghan: "sorry on Erik's behalf" she said while smacking his head

"You dont have to apologize. Its alright" as I said that I continued eating my food

Erik: "you have a gadget ?" He asked, and I noticed Meghan and Craig also wanted to know

"Does gas counts ?" I guess it's ok to tell someone some little information

Meghan: "what kind of gas ?" She asked

"Its.. it's kinda hard to explain" I answered

Craig: "well I guess Elena will bring along James for your gadget's evaluations" fuck, I forgot about the gadget evaluation thing

"Who's Elena ?" I asked

Meghan: "she's the director of the R&D lab. She's the engineer who creates or help fixing up your Gadget" she enlightened me

"So I'll need to talk to her if I need somewhere to set up my materials in the lab ?" I asked

Erik: "it's her territory, so yeah" he answered

"Where can I find her ?"

Craig: "she just finished her breakfast, you might find her in the lab now" he answered

"Thanks. So what's y'all's gadgets ?" As I said that, they all looked at me surprised

Erik: "did Harry give you the phone ?" He asked surprised at my question

"Yeah. Why ?"

Erik: "the phone has every operator's info. bio, psychology report, gadget's evaluation. You name it" he said

"Yeah I know, So ?" I asked still confused

Erik: "so you haven't read any of our files ? Like, non ?"

"No. Non" I answered

Meghan: "why ?"

"If I wanna know about someone's info, it'll be by talking to them, I dont care what a piece of paper say about someone" I answered truthfully. That answer seems to silence them for a few seconds

Craig: "well, I have a bulletproof rifle shield" he answered my earlier question

Erik: "blow torch that can melt reinforced walls or even pure metal" he also answer. I looked over at Meghan

Meghan: "well, it's a high-quality Intel gathering camera, Gyro Cam Mk2 or as I would like to call it, Black Eye. Created it myself" sounds useful

"Sounds great" I admired

Meghan: "Yeah, I specialize in intel gathering. It does the job well. So you cant tell us anything about yours ?"

"Pretty much. Maybe you'll see it on the field" I said. I hoped they wouldn't, because that means it'll be under terrible circumstances

Meghan: "or wait for your gadget evaluation" she said and the conversation died down

"You'll have to excuse me, I have to go and talk to Elena" I politely said and got up. They all waved goodbye. After I threw my trash in the trash bin, I sailed to the R&D lab

The lab was on the 2nd floor, Which held a large space of the base. After I went up the elevator, I pressed on the R&D button and moved up. The doors opened to what looked like a very high-technology lab, everything looked like they were from the next generation, reminds me of my old home..

I went in and looked around, there was a few operators scattered around, so I went to the nearest one to ask where Elena was. the operator was IQ from the GSG9, who looked to be working on some kind of scanner

"Excuse me, IQ ?"

Monika: "gib mir eine verdammte Pause. was willst du (give me a fucking break. what do you want)" she said being annoyed. It was obvious that she was frustrated about her predicament. I looked at her for a few seconds, I understood exactly what she said

"I'm sorry, but it seems like you can use a bit of help" I said offering my help

Monika: "what do you know about engineering ? You'll just mess up my work. geh weg Kind (go away child)" she answered aggressively

"Monika, Please allow me" she looked at me again, this time she gave up and got out of her seat so I can sit in her place. I examined the device

"Hmm. An electronic detection scanner. You built it ?" I asked

Monika: "that's what my file says, Dummkopf (idiot)" she replied

"I didn't read your file" I answered as I continued examining the device. I felt her eyes gaze on me

"The frequencies are messed up, what happened ?" I asked

Monika: "a prank is what happened, Jack Estrada thought he was funny. Now I cant figure out the old frequency I used, I have to try every combination" as she said that, I started my work

Monika: "what are you doing ?" I ignored her and continued. After a while I turned around to her, she was observing my work over my shoulder

"Ok, first off, frequencies leave traces, so I found the old combination, but I managed to find better ones, and I managed to extend the scanning radius from 10 to 35 meters" I informed her

Monika: Was ?! (What ?!)" As she said then she pushed me away and took her scanner, she examined it then put it on her wrist to test it out

"You know, the raw materials you used was a genius move, and the codes were amazingly tricky. You're really smart" I complimented her work, she looked at me smiling

Monika: "this is amazing, not only you fixed the frequencies, you also improved it with the radius, how can I repay you ?" She asked

"By telling me where I can find Elena ?" I asked with a smile. She also was smiling

Monika: "she's right over there" she pointed behind the table. Elena looked to be wearing a white coat

Monika: "I will put in a good word about you to her" she offered

"No no, I appreciate the offer" I said

Monika: "ok, we'll have to talk later on how you managed to fix my Spectre, and danke" she thanked me

"Your welcome" as I said that, i walked to the woman known as Elena

Any suggestions ? Oh and btw I dont plan on leaving you guys hanging any time soon, you have my word that I'll keep uploading. Author, Signing out.

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