Chapter 27: Recon

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Alex's POV:

Several days have passed. Jack's new gadget was fully operational and gained the green light for field missions. Eventually Grace and I landed on 'Cardiac Goggles' for the name. As of right now, Harry called me only to his office. There was Sam with Harry when I went in

Harry: "Alex, we have a reconnaissance operation for you" he pointed to a seat for me

"Sir" I nodded

Sam: "you and Specialist Nøkk will be on it, I know that Delta trained you for espionage ops so I recommended you for this one" he pointed out

"Mission details ?" I asked, and pictures were shown on the projector that was behind me

Sam: "intelligence suspects that the White Masks have a new player in the game, a new weapon. Something like that has been spotted in the outskirts of Norway. Your mission is to observe and see what kind of weapon that is. any questions ?" He asked while showing me

"No, sirs"

Harry: "I assume you have no clue who Nøkk is ?" I nodded

"Only heard some talks about her, never saw her though"

Harry: "Yes. Since you joined us, she has been sent on several missions. you and her have secrecy in common"

"We'll get along just fine"

Harry: "pack light, but take your equipment. A separate hotel rooms have been booked for the both of you under the name of 'Jost Morliene'. You'll be in Norway for a couple of days and the location will be sent to you when you're there"

Sam: "Nøkk will get here in half an hour, so be out on the airfield, your transportation will be there" I nodded and walked out to my room

After I went inside my room and packed as lightly as I could, I went out and was headed to the armory. I punched in my codes and grabbed my Hk 416 and put it in a bag for if shit gets surprising, I also took the Kimber 1911 and holstered it. Took one combat Knife and a boot knife. I was hesitant if I should take the gas with me or not, but then I decided on taking them with the gas mask and leaving behind my uniform, I also grabbed an extra gas mask for Nøkk along the way. After I organized everything in the bag. Half an hour passed and Nøkk should be out on the field. After walking for a few minutes I was out and waiting for any signal of Nøkk or our transportation, it didn't take long till someone tabbed my shoulder from behind me

??: "Are you Toxin ?" Someone feminine asked from behind me, I turned around and struck me hand out for a shake

"Yes, I'm Alex" I greeted and she shook my hand, she was wearing a veil which made it difficult for me to see if she was an aggressive person or not

Nøkk: "you can call me Nøkk, but I believe you already know that" she said under her veil

"Nice to meet you. you know where our ride is ?" She nodded and started walking, so I followed her. Eventually we stopped infront of a helicopter that was being filled fuel by a pilot

Nøkk: "That's our ride" she pointed

"You got your things or should we wait till you pack them ?" I asked

Nøkk: "I have all I need in the helicopter"

After a while of waiting, we got a thumbs up from the pilot to board, which we did. After I put my two bags in the back of the helicopter with Nøkk's bags next to them, we began flying towards Norway. After two hours of us in the air without making any conversation or sleep, Nøkk asked

Nøkk: "aren't you going to ask about the veil ?"

"Why should I ?" I said

Nøkk: "everyone asked about it, its just surprising that you didn't ask like they did"

"I'm not like everyone" I stated

Nøkk: "I see that. So you're secretive like me ? I tried to see what you're past experiences are but they were all classified. But I did read your full evaluation"

"Yeah, the higher ups in Washington classified my file"

Nøkk: "NATO did the same for me"

"So I dont have a question about your secretive character, but I do have a question about what your gadget is"

Nøkk: "you didn't read my evaluation ?" She asked

"No, I dont do that"

She eventually explained what her gadget is, it was like a combination of Chul and Taina. Grace created it since she was involved in Chul's gadget. It was pretty smart and for someone like Nøkk to utilize it is highly effective. We eventually slept through the long hours of the traveling

Eventually, we entered Norwegian land and landed on a military airfield. I woke up Nøkk and told her we're here. We both grabbed our bags and went out when the heli landed. An older man who seems to be the commander of this place approached us

CDR. Oddvar: "I am commander Oddvar, Your superior contacted us about his Operators setting foot here for a mission"

"Indeed sir" me and Nøkk stuck our hands out for a handshake which he took

CDR. Oddvar: "follow me, I will show you to your vehicle" we went behind until we reached silver sedan car

CDR. Oddvar: "this will help you blend well with citizens" he handed us the key

"Thank you, sir. We'll make sure to give it back in one piece" he walked away

Nøkk: "let's go. You're driving and I'll give you directions to the hotel"

I went in the driving seat which was in the right, thank god for that. After driving for what seems to be an hour and a half of Nøkk giving me directions, we arrived to our 4 stars hotel. I parked in the underground parking lot and got out getting my bags

Nøkk: "hold on, I have to switch my attire" she said taking her bag to the backseat of the car to switch. I made sure not look or even give her the suspicions of that. Then she got out with a hoodie, she made sure that it hid her face well because all I could see was.. her black lipstick...


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Nøkk: "let's go" her two bags were also on her

We checked in after I gave the receptionist the name 'Jost Morliene'. She handed us two key cards for two separate rooms, but the receptionist said that even though our rooms were separated, they are connected by one door inside and asked if we wanted the door to be opened

"Its up to you" I asked Nøkk, and she hesitantly nodded at me

"Sure" I said to the receptionist and she handed me a key which I assumed it was the door's. After we were given our room numbers and floor, we went in the elevator. After we got into our rooms and put my bags on a table, I opened the connecting door

"When's the recon ?" I asked her while seeing her taking our her guns from one of the bags

Nøkk: "we'll rest for now, tomorrow night we will go to the location Harry sent me"

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