Psychological/Gadget report

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"Fear is a work of art"

Alexander only had his mother and grandfather to raise him. Shortly after Alexander was born, his father Adrian Osiris got in a hit and run car accident. Marking that Adrian died when Alexander was only a week of old. His mother was a Chemistry teacher, it was because of her that he was so fond of Chemistry at the very young age of 12. She would tell him all about the elements and components of different things around him, water, fire, oxygen, salt, sugar, and so on... his Grandfather on the other hand was a renowned veteran. Back in his old days he'd served with the British unit, the S.A.S, for a few joint operations, training and gaining all they can offer from them. So by the age of 16, Hank Osiris, started telling young Alexander all kinds of stories of his time in the military, Alexander was astonished by the stories and thought they were unreal, or straight out of a movie. But his grandfather kept confirming that all of them were true with no exception. Alexander saw how his grandfather was proud of himself for his achievements of serving his country, He wanted to be the same, to be proud of himself for the things he did, just like his grandfather


Alex has intimacy issues caused by past experiences that weren't very old. Because of that he makes sure to get the mission done with non-existent injuries to his team while still having their backs.


From my time talking with Alex on our sessions about his life, I noticed that he gets shy at some points leaving certain details that he thinks is unnecessary. And it looks that he has problems socializing with other people that aren't close to him very much. All that can disappear when he's preparing for a mission or an operation.

I asked him how does he switch personalities between his regular self and his 'perfect soldier' character, he said that his old teammates came with a military ritual that allows them to forget about their social lives and let them focus on the task at hand. He said before every mission or every task he does the ritual by saying simple words which are 'Game face on'. he also added that it may sound 'cheesy' or 'just words'. But he assured that they hold more than that to him. A ritual like that can often backfire making the person forget certain details about himself.

Alex is also fluent in multiple languages like German, French, Russian, Polish, Spanish, and Arabic. He pointed out that even if foreign learners like himself learned Arabic, they wont be able to talk like the locals. Even if they were very fluent in them, he states 'the only way to talk like the locals is if you were born and raised with them'.

Specialist Zofia Bosak came to my office to talk about Alex few days after she was put in the infirmary because of a training accident with him. She said that afte her injury Alex came to check up on her before his simulation. She pointed out that he tried apologizing to her like it was his fault but she assured him that she got carried away and was probably her fault. From that instance Zofia told me personally that she thinks of him like a guy who would apologize to a problem even if he wasn't the one who caused it.

I noticed while walking by R&D that there was something going on between Specialist Monika "IQ" Weiss and Alex. So after he left I went and asked her what it was about. She told me that because of Specialist Jack "Pulse" Estrada's 'prank' her RED Mk III "Spectre" was having problems detecting electronics and doing its work, Alex noticed that she was having problems fixing it so he went to her offering her a hand. She said that she was abit extreme at first because he was a stranger to her, but he insisted on it nonetheless. He didn't only fix it but according to Specialist Monika 'he improved it in ways that I didn't know were possible'

-- Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey. Director of Rainbow


Operator: Specialist Alexander "Toxin" Osiris
Evaluation lead: James "Smoke" Porter with Specialist Alexander "Toxin" Osiris

Dr. Elena Álvarez have asked me to evaluate the greenie's gadget, which I didn't know why until I learned what his gadget was all about. Finally, someone who has interests in gas like me. 

Controlled tests of the Toxin Gas required a number of measures including limiting the presence of lab personnel to only the most critical. Strict rules surrounding the PPE disposal (personal protective equipment) and protocols for hazards had to be maintained at all times. Even though the facility is state-of-the-art, additional precautionary measures were required before testing could begin.

For someone who is expertly in gas matter like myself, the components and formulas for this gas is.. astonishing, to say the least. Unknown toxic plants were the major component formula for this so called 'Fear Gas'. Specoialist Osiris have informed me that when manufacturing the gas at first it must only be a hallucianing substance, after that process he reverse-engineers the gas to twist the hallucinations into the darkest fear of the inhaler's subconscious, all at Alex's will for control, which I have no idea how he does it.

Comment_S. Osiris: It's all about the eyes, chico.) 

The gas effects can be cured with the antidote he created for if a friend inhaled the gas on the field or even a civilian if it was deemed necessary. But the effects will last 2 to 3 weeks according to his words.

He only uses the gas canisters out in the field, but when it comes to getting intel from a suspect or captured hostiles, there's the Fear Liquid. It derives the same effects as the gas but, much, much more focused, according to Alex that is. Making him get whatever information without the possibility of the hostiles bleeding out of falling in.

Due to our current lack of lab rats, however, tests were minimal to canisters and the gas by itself, and we'll have to trust Specialist Osiris' words in regards to full inhalations results. Thanks, Pereira (:

The antidote works on the liquid same as the gas, eliminating the effects as soon as it reaches the system. And I have taking some looks at the canisters, they were well-built bulletproof material, meaning the canisters won't unexpectedly implode if a bullet hit finds it's mark. I suggested that they should be remotely activated just like my toxic babes, but his response was "there's always the possibility of losing the remote control, not to mention the jammers of course" which was a solid point.

This lad told me what's in his canisters, and I almost lost my mind because of the complex materials he uses. But in conclusion, I think Specialist Alex "Toxin" Osiris will give Caviera a run for her money.

- J. Porter

Hope this evaluation helped you understand the gas more.  if you have any questions tho leave them at the comments or message me. Signing out

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