Chapter 33: Hell's Kitchen 2

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Meghan's POV:

"what the fuck do you mean he's staying behind ?!" I was at the safe point outside of the factory with the rest of the operators

Craig: "it was the only option. He needs to gas up the building"

"What about the hostages ??"

Craig: "they're included"

"But he's injured" Ela and Eliza came over

Eliza: "what the hell is going on ?"

"Alex is filling the building with the Fear Gas"

Eliza: "what.. but hostages are still in there"

Craig: "we know"

Eliza: "where's Jordan ?" Then Gas was spread at the main gates and Jordan started running towards us

Jordan: "is Alpha out ?"

Ela: "yea, we are"

Eliza: "Jordan, what the hell were you thinking ?! I told you to watch him!"

Jordan: "it was the only way. stop blaming the guy, he's risking his life for this"

Eliza: "and the hostages ?! He's going to mess them up!"

Jordan: "they'll walk out in one piece, there's a cure back at Hereford" A US soldier came over

??: "what the hell is going on in there ?"

"Five of our men are still inside"

??: "I dont care about that right now, we need to contain that gas. I'm calling backup" then Craig snapped

Craig: "backup ?!! If you sons of bitches sent more backup here this wouldn't have happened in the first place!! Now you wanna call in more to contain gas ?!" He yelled while staring down at the soldier aggressively

"Craig! Stand the fuck down!" I ordered

Jordan: "What's your name soldier ?"

Lt. O'Connor: "Lieutenant Brian O'Connor at your service, sir" (😏)

Jordan: "call in more choppers for the hostages, that's all we need from you right now"

Lt. O'Connor: "affirmative" Olivier came over

Olivier: "we need to form a perimeter around the factory"

"Why ?"

Olivier: "half the Masks will get out shooting around aimlessly and scared. On Toxin's first mission, we formed a kill circle around because he flushed them out and killed the ones inside"

Eliza: "I will let the rest of the teams know" she walked away. then more gas spread inside the building. We just looked from a far. The gas was so horrifying

Craig: "is anybody seeing this..?" orange clouds were forming in the sky. this does remind me of Bartlett...

"That is terrifying..." the scene that was infront of me was truly horrifying. I looked around and saw that half the operators had their jaws dropped, and the other were just gazing at the scene in shock

Ela: "what is this..."

Craig: "that's.. Toxin, he's doing that"

Jordan: "we.. we need to set the perimeter" he looked as terrified as us, but he snapped us back to reality. We walked to the teams for orders

Zofia: "listen up! Form a circle around the factory, but watch your distance from the gas. Shoot when you're being shot at, but capture the ones who walk out without a gun. And watch the main gates for the hostages, dont shoot unless they were White Masks, understood ?" We all yelled 'understood' and began forming the circle

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