Chapter 45: Clear Sky 2

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Alex's POV:

6 hours passed, and we were half way there. The S.A.S were sleeping through the whole flight, but I couldn't sleep like them. I do sleep through Operations like these, but I couldn't get any because this Operation was different. Oliver is involved, He's our enemy. My hand lied on my rifle while I was looking out the window. I the teams' helicopters flying at the same level as us. I thought of an idea

'I should talk to Meg' I said to myself

I got up from my seat and walked to the pilot

"Hey, Ronson. Can you patch me through to one of the Operators on Maverick's heli ? Make it private"

Pilot: "sure thing" then pressed on a few buttons, he talked to who I assume the pilot of Maverick's helicopter

Pilot: "name ?" He asked

"Valkyrie" he nodded and told the other pilot the name

Pilot: "take the first headset over there" he looked behind me and pointed. I took it from its place and went over to my seat

Meghan: "this is Valkyrie. Need something, Toxin ?" I smiled at her response and the use of codenames

"What, want me to use 'over' at the end of every sentence as well ?" I heard her laugh through the headset

"Did I wake you ?" I asked fearing that I did wake her

Meghan: "got up half an hour ago, had my fill. And you ?"

"I couldn't sleep"

Meghan: "Oliver ?"

"Yeah, a part of me wants to sit this one out because of him"

Meghan: "just remember that you promised" yeah, I remember. But I dunno if I can hold it

"I know, dont worry"

Meghan: "so are we done after this Operation ?"

"If that's what you want" she kept quiet for a few seconds

Meghan: "and you're ok to come with me to Cali ?"

"Yeah. And I think my Mom is willing to as well when we find a place"

Meghan: "you know, you'll have to meet my parents" my heard dropped

'Shit' I said under my breath

Timeskip: arrival at the AO**

Alex's POV:

Pilot: "ETA 10 Mikes"

Thatcher: "double check your gear again" he ordered. I went to my seat and checked if everything was ok with the bomb, then I strapped it on my back

Thatcher: "that thing gets activated before the hostages are out and I'll put you down myself, you hear ?" He said under his iconic gas mask, I simply nodded

Smoke: "so lads, any special ladies waiting at home to go to after this ?"

Sledge: "you will be staying right here with us, mate"

Smoke: "like 'ell, I've got a daughter to go back to"

Sledge: "you have to go through ol' brucie here first" he took out his Sledge Hammer

Smoke: "you know what you-" he walked up to him but was quickly cut off

Thatcher: "oh save me the bloody quarrel" he ordered them, and they settled down

Pilot: "ETA 5 Mikes"

Zofia: "this is Zofia, all teams check ?" She came through comms. All of the teams went ahead and confirmed their gear along with our team

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