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Alexander Flinn Osiris

D.O.B: December 8th (Age 33)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Omaha, Nebraska

HEIGHT: 1.92

WEIGHT: 78kg

APPEARANCE: Brown colored eyes, black medium long hair, white skin, medium body build.


"Fear is a work of art"

Alexander only had his mother and grandfather to raise him. Shortly after Alexander was born, his father Adrian Osiris got in a hit and run car accident. Marking that Adrian died when Alexander was only a week of old. His mother was a Chemistry teacher, it was because of her that he was so fond of Chemistry at the very young age of 12. She would tell him all about the elements and components of different things around him, water, fire, oxygen, salt, sugar, and so on... his Grandfather on the other hand was a renowned veteran. Back in his old days he'd served with the British unit, the S.A.S, for a few joint operations, training and gaining all they can offer from them. So by the age of 16, Hank Osiris, started telling young Alexander all kinds of stories of his time in the military, Alexander was astonished by the stories and thought they were unreal, or straight out of a movie. But his grandfather kept confirming that all of them were true with no exception. Alexander saw how his grandfather was proud of himself for his achievements of serving his country, He wanted to be the same, to be proud of himself for the things he did, just like his grandfather.

Shortly after he graduated high school, he had a plan; he wanted to graduate college, and enlist in the military almost immediately. Which he did. he excelled in college and got his Bachelor's degree and a medal of honor in the Science of Chemistry. He immediately enrolled in the Navy Seals at the age of 21. again, he excelled with the Navy Seals, He showed persistence and determination. he served 4 years. And was even considered to be one of the greatest Seals ever. he showed attributes like leadership, and quick thinking. After he served those four years, one of his commanders recommended young Alex for the Green Berets. Everyone was surprised to find such a young face to join, let alone excelling in the trainings just like with the Navy Seals. Everyone was impressed by his determination. Alexander fairly liked the Green Berets, because they had a motto, maybe even a code to go after. De Oppresso Liber. Which translated from Latin is; To Free The Opressed. Back at the Navy Seals, Alexander was someone who kept to himself, But with the Green Berets, He felt like he belonged with them. With his time in the Green Berets, Alex used his expertise in Chemistry and created some sort of special gas. after he'd tried every formula, element and component, he eventually was successful. He managed to concoct a special gas that creates hallucinations. later on he kept upgrading this so called special gas, Until he reached the point where the hallucinations became the inhaler's worst fear. After he experimented on the poor prisoners they had, and saw how they were reacting. He immediately tried to formulate a cure of some sorts, which didn't take him very long. After that he cured the prisoners of their hallucinations, but were still shaken up about what they had seen. Alexander felt enormous guilt, even if they were bad people, only line he would cross was experiments that weren't going to take their lives away. And so he trashed his idea for the special gas after the pain he inflicted upon the prisoners, causing him to think they may end their lives with their own hands after what they had saw.

After 1 year of him joining the Green Berets, Alexander received a call from his mother that his grandfather had passed away due to natural causes. Alexander had requested the command chain for a leave to attend the funeral, command immediately granted his request. After a week in his hometown for the funeral, Alexander came back to continue to work. Only this time, he wanted to do more, to be, more. Alexander brought back his old creation and wanted to see if he can use the gas to his favor in the battlefield

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