Chapter 47: Ghosts of the Past

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(A/N: Thanks to SmokeEliteMain for catching my typos. Go give his stories some love

Alex's POV:

when we landed, I was met with multiple men wearing black suits and sunglasses. If I didn't know any better, I would say they were the agents from 'The Matrix'

Markon handed me over. But before they grabbed me, he whispered to my ear

Markon: "dont worry, kid. I'll make the necessary procedures. For now, just sit tight" he smiled after he stated. My blood was boiling while staring at him

One of the men in black nodded at Markon, which I assumed was the one in charge. They shoved me in a black SUV and drove. I thought they were taking me to a black site to make me disappear. But I also remembered Markon saying that he wants to get this process with clean hands, so I sat tight. Trust your enemy for a few: when there is reasoning, and when there is necessity. But always prepare for either if not true. That was one of the many advices my grandfather told me

After a long drive somewhere, the vehicle came to a halt. The men in black that were with me in the car got out, except one. He kept staring at me under his shades without saying anything for a long time. Then one of the men opened the door and grabbed me, taking me out. I looked around and noticed that we stopped at a hotel, and another black SUV parked behind the car I was in. Who the hell do they think I am ? I'm not a terrorist to be treated like this, I'm not a criminal either. The large group of the men in black took me inside the hotel, and then an elevator, eventually, walking in a suite. They sat me on one chair. then the agents scattered around the suite, all except two this time. One was leaning on the doorframe, and the other grabbed a chair right infront of me

??: "you know the procedures. you're on house arrest till your hearing. Make our lives hard, and we'll make yours harder. This hotel room is heavily fortified, so people like you can't get out unnoticed or with a bang" he got up from the chair and grabbed a book, just examining it

??: "and your people, they can't help you out either"

"My people ? Do you actually think Rainbow would go against a country just to break me out ??" I asked, being full-blown by his belief

??: "No, we know who Rainbow Six are. They won't do that to a country. But we know who YOU are" he put down the book and sat back on his seat

"I'm not the bad guy here. I'm just a soldier who followed orders, and that's exactly what I did" he looked at me for a few seconds, then both the men bursted into a long laughter

??: "well thank you for your service sir!" He faked a salute

??: "like I said- oh man, that was a good speech" he did a motion of clearing tears from his eyes

??: "like I said, we know Rainbow. But we also know you. You served with a lot of people, made lots of friends. We're just prepared if those old friends wanted to pop in and say hi" he got up and was about to walk out

??: "and hey, maybe that lady of yours would actually tell your old pals that you're hosting a barbecue party and be stupid enough to invite them here, if you know what I mean. I'm Special Agent Coulson, and welcome to your lovely pre-prison resort" at that last part, he opened his arms in a welcoming motion

Harry's POV:

I was holding my temple in my office, thinking about this cadaver that happened 2 days ago. I had 2 angry women wanting answers and action, Meghan and Alexander's mother, Norah. Then a few knocks on my door were being heard

"Come in" I said. Eliza walked in, so I gestured for the chair

Eliza: "you called, sir ?" She asked after taking a seat. She didn't have her sunglasses on, they were hanging from her shirt

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