Chapter 3: Bio aftermath

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Harry's POV:

"I guess even 'inhumane soldiers' can die" I said to myself after reading the file. Intresting and very long. I most get his Green Berets file later, but for now I must track him down

A few days had passed and I arrived in Omaha, Nebraska. Quite the lovely town. Reminds me of home

I have reached their house. Looked like any normal suburban house. and the  lawn being well taken care of. I got up the porch and knocked on the door a few times. A woman who looked to be in her 60's opened the door with a smile

"Hello ma'am. My name is Harishva Pandey. But please do call me Harry"
I said while sticking my hand out for a handshake, which she took

Mrs. Osiris: "My name is Norah. How can I help you, Harry ?" She asked politely

"I'm looking for your son, Alexander. I believe you can help me with that" I said while still looking at her

Mrs. Osiris: "come in" she gestured for me to enter. As I entered I gave stares all over the house

"Quite the lovely home" I stated in truthfulness

Mrs. Osiris: "thank you. May I offer you a drink. Coffe or tea maybe ?" She asked. Being a kind host

"Water would be fine"i turned down the coffee and tea. As she came back with a glass of water. She gestured for me to sit on the living room's couch

Mrs. Osiris: "what do you want with my son ?" She said in a protective tone of voice. She is his mother after all

"I am a director of a counter-terrorism organization called Rainbow, We operate world wide under the supervision of all the countries around the world, It is my job to bring best of the best from around the world to fight those who want to bring harm for the innocent. And your son falls under best of the best so that's why I'm here" I took a sip of the water after that statement

Mrs. Osiris: "did your homework on my son ?" Asked

"I did, yes" I responded

Mrs. Osiris: "so you know why he left in the first place ?" She asked another question while giving me strange look

"Sadly, I do" i answered with abit of sadness in my voice

Mrs. Osiris: "so lemme get this straight; you want to bring my son back into the battlefield after he lost his bestfriends and possibly having PTSD because of that ?!" She commented while it's clear that anger is taking over her

"Mrs. Osiris, believe me, I do not want to bring him back unless I didn't have any choice. The terrorist group we're up against are getting stronger. Rainbow have been fighting them for the last 5 years and they're slowly getting stronger. I believe your son is the one who we need. He may shift the tides to our favor" I said what I can without giving away anymore classified information

Mrs. Osiris: "what about the people who you've brought ?" She gave a question

"What about them ?" I also asked

Mrs. Osiris: "you said they're the best of the best. So what, you cant finish the job unless you bring my son with you ?" She had lots of questions. It was understandable

"My operators are very good. But it's not about if they're good enough. It's about the enemy we're against. Just like us, they are capable of operating world wide, sending out attacks around the globe. Believe me, Mrs. Osiris, my hands are tied, I'm trying my best to bring who I can. So let me ask you this question; if you think that you're son wont make any difference to this threat, then I wont trouble you or him again. But if you believe he can make the difference we need... all I can say is I'm between your hands" I said truthfully, trying to convince her. She stared at the coffee table that was infront of all of us for a couple of minutes

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