Chapter 21: Home

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Alex's POV

after 5 hours or so Marius gestured me to wear the headset and I did

Marius: "wake up my passengers. ETA 10 minutes" I nodded and went to every operator to wake them up and I told them 10 minutes till arrival. After they got up Zofia signaled the rest of the operators to wear the headsets

Zofia: "Marius will drop us off somewhere quiet far from the deal so we have the element of surprise. Toxin, you're on back up" I nodded

Marius dropped us off kilometers away, so we began the walk. After 15 or 20 minutes we reached the docks. We began looking for the abandoned warehouse which we eventually did

"I'm staying behind now. Stay safe" I informed and Blitz gave me the thumbs up

I hid between some containers and waited on comms. After 25 minutes or so I heard some cars pull up and a van following them

"Heads up, cars and a van rolling up" I said over comms

Twitch: "those should be White Masks. The gang was already here when we arrived" she informed

Another 20 minutes passed till Zofia came over the comms

Zofia: "alright. exchange has been made, let's crash this party" she ordered and I heard gun shots in the distance

I'm back-up so when shit get real heated I'll join in. 10 minutes in the gunfight and Zofia came over the comms

Zofia: "our gang ran away leaving the weapons behind" she called out through the comms

Then I heard some more cars pulling up, looks like they're back up

"White Mask back up arrived. I repeat, their back up is here" I said through comms

Zofia: "then come here and help us!" She yelled through the comms

I began moving, but not to my team's position. The hostiles dont know that there's a free lancer around, So I took advantage of that. I began walking stealthily behind the enemy putting on a suppressor on my handgun. I saw approximately 15 hostiles shooting at the team's location so I started working. I shot down 3 without alerting anyone, then I took out my knife and jabbed it in one guy's throat that was taking cover to reload. I shot down 2 more that were also taking cover. Then I disappeared to reach the others that were in another direction. I shot 2 and stabbed one while coming out. I reloaded my gun and immediately shot one guy who alerted them of their friends unexpected deaths. I saw the rest getting into the van which had the weapons and drove away

Zofia: "we must chase them!" She said walking up behind me with the team

Zofia: "Toxin, hotwire that car, we're chasing them down. The rest of you call Jäger and follow us for support" I began hotwiring one of the cars

Lion: "I detected the van going west from here" he informed and I got the car running

Zofia: "let's go Alex" she said and hopped in

I drove out of the docks and I saw the van in the distance taking a right in the city of Paris

Zofia: "they took the 2nd right! Step on it!" She ordered

I took the 2nd right and we were getting close to them. They identified us and began firing at us. Zofia loaded up her assault rifle and fired back hitting one of the shooters dead. They took a left making their way to the highway. Then one police cruiser joined the chase and ordered us to pull over, not the van

Zofia: "why are they ordering us ?! Where are you team ?!" She asked

Jäeger: "right untop of you" he said and we heard the helicopter's rotors

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