Chapter 41: His comeback

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Alex's POV:

I woke up on a bed. I could feel the stitches that were on my face and arms. Then my memory slowly came back. Oliver, the one who we considered to be a father figure, was leading The White Masks. Tears formed up in my eyes. Then I remembered Meghan. I got up from the bed in a panic but pain cursed through my whole body as I tried getting up. I pressed on a button which I assumed was going to call one of the medics. Shortly, Gustave walked in

Gustave: "Alex, good to see you awake"

"How long ?" I asked immediately

Gustave: "Pardon ?" He asked in return while holding his note pad

"How long was I out for ?"

Gustave: "you were not in a coma like last time, you were unconscious for approximately 2 days" I was just staring in the distance

Gustave: "you have fractured bones and ribs, multiple stab wounds on both your arms, heavy bruises on your face, you lost blood but whoever batched you had done half their job" Oliver was still in my mind, he hurt Meghan, Griffin, hurt Meghan

Gustave: "the one you brought, Taina is trying to break him, but there is no luck so far"

"Wait, I brought him in ?" I asked being surprised

Gustave: "well, yes. You dont remember ?" Wait, I remember my vision turning red

'No. Not again' I said to myself

Gustave: "MRI'S didn't show any heavy hits that resulted to memory lose" he approached and flashed a flashlight into my pupils while scanning them

"I'm fine, where's Meghan" I said and got up from the bed barely

Gustave: "you have to rest, you and her were very injured on that mission"

"I need to see her, where is she ?"

Gustave: "she is alright, mon ami. She's in the gym. There's fresh clothes in the bathroom" he said, and I went in. The clothes that were in the bathroom were mine so I've put them on and went out of the bathroom

Gustave: "you have to take it easy the next few days"


Gustave: "Meghan told Harry everything. you will be on the field when I clear you, understand ?" I nodded. Then I walked out

I was headed to the gym to see Meg. I walked down the corridors and took a turn that led me to the gym. When I walked in, Meghan wasn't anywhere to be seen at. Then arms were wrapped around me from behind, I turned around

"Hey beautiful" I greeted Meghan and wrapped her in a hug in return

Meghan: "I was so worried about you, I wanted to be next to you when you wake up but they wouldn't let me because of the physical therapy"

"Are you ok ? I couldn't do much on protecting you in there"

Meghan: "we'll get a chance to talk later. But for now I'm fine" then I remembered that Oliver said he wont bring my mother in this fight, but at this point I couldn't trust him

"I need to go talk to Harry"

Meghan: "I told him and Sam that Oliver is back"

"Its about my mom, he said he wont do anything to her, but I cant take any chances. I need him to send me and some recruits to get her to a safe house"

Meghan: "no need, as soon as we were leaving for base, I called him and told him about her, he brought her here immediately"

"You told him that ?" A smile formed on my face

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