Chapter 19: no choice

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Alex's POV:

It was currently 10pm. I spent the day in the R&D lab making more cure vials and Toxin Liquid. After I finished I walked out and was planning on going to my dorm, but as I was passing the infirmary one of the Russians called me over. It was Maxim or Kapkan, standing beside him was Tachanka who is also Alexander, And Shuhrat or Fuze

Maxim: "Alex, care to join us for few drinks ? We're missing 1 guy" He put his finger up

"You guys going out for drinks ? But it's late"

Shuhrat: "you can never be late for drinks"

"I dunno, think I'm gonna pass on this one" I tried getting out

Tachanka: "we have the same name comrade. You have nothing to be worried about" (A/N: I'm just going to refer to Tachanka by his callsign to not confuse anyone)

Maxim: "just few drinks comrade. Nothing more" they always say that

"Fine.. where we going ?" I asked

Tachanka: "there's bar in lounge area" he informed

"Huh.. never been there to see it"

Shuhrat: "we are just waiting for Lera. Spetsnaz always drink together"

"Ok" after a while Lera walked out and was surprised to see me

Lera: "he's Timur's replacement ?" They all nodded

Lera: "ok. I'm off duty for the rest of the night, if you get sick you're on your own" she was talking to me

"Yes ma'am" and I acknowledged

I followed them to the bar that was in the lounge area. After a few minutes we arrived and the lounge seemed empty. Lera walked behind the desk to serve the drinks and each of us grabbed a seat

"I'll have whiskey on the rocks" they all looked at me

Lera: "I'm sorry but the only drink you're having tonight is Vodka" why did I think otherwise ?

"Fine" I swallowed fearing what tonight will do to tomorrow

After half an hour had passed we finished 2 bottles already in conversation. I learned that Lera's scar was a training accident caused by Maxim. She made him pay for it, she said. I also asked about their gadgets which they were surprised that I didn't know about. I told them I dont read people's files and that's why I didn't know. They eventually enlightened me

Tachanka: "новый парень может справиться сам (new guy can handle his own)" he was talking to the Russians

"Благодарность (thanks)" they all looked at me surprised

Lera: "ты знаешь русский? (You know Russian ?)" I nodded

Maxim: "откуда ты знаешь русский? (How do you know Russian ?)"

"меня научил мой отряд. они сказали, что русский прекрасный язык для изучения (my unit taught me. They said it's a beautiful language to learn)" they didn't say that but I had to be friendly. Command of course brought Russians to teach us

Tachanka: "мне нравится этот. отныне один товарищ ты всегда пьешь с нами (I like this one. From now on you're always drinking with us)"

"спасибо, но я не думаю, что смогу выдержать столько водки, как все вы (thanks but I dont think I can handle Vodka like all of you)

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