Chapter 15: Massacre

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Alex's POV:

Haryy: "what happened after that ?" He asked

"I dont know. I blacked out it seems. All I remember was my vision turning red, after that I cant remember anything. But the when the reinforcements came, they said I was in the middle of a blood bath, my gas and bodies were everywhere. The soldiers who arrived late said that my uniform was soaked in blood, they said I killed all the Mujahedeen on the premise and was just sitting in the middle with the bodies surrounding me. What scares me is.. I dont remember killing them"

Harry: "I'm truly sorry for what happened, Alex"

"I was supposed to die with them that day. They gave their lives for me to run, but i didn't, I turned back and did a massacre it seems"

Harry: "grieving and having a rage tantrum tends to play with your memory" he informed me

"Will it happen again ?" I asked

Harry: "maybe In the future, or maybe it was a one time thing in results of losing your teammates"

"I dont want it to happen again" I said in a worried tone

Harry: "that's what makes us humans, emotions. What happened with you is you couldn't handle the flood of emotions that hit you. Grief and Rage can be very dangerous combined together"

"But can I work to make sure that doesn't happen to me again ?!" I aggressively asked

Harry: "why ? Those were emotions, you cant control your emotions"

"Because till this day it scares me. It scares me that at a certain point I turn into a killing machine, I turn into the Winter Soldier if you know about him"

Harry: "Yes I'm quite familiar. But the difference between you and him is words control him, you on the other hand, emotions control you. That only proves that you're human just like the rest of us" he stated

"So what now ? I'm moving on from my past ?"

Harry: *laughs* "oh Alex, it doesn't work like that. But you did take the first step; facing your past. Now, time can finally heal you" he said

"Can I go now ?" I asked

Harry: "you're dismissed. But remember that our last session is tomorrow" he reminded

"Yeah I know" I confirmed

I walked out and got into my car which Rainbow gave me for transportation. I just wanna go to my room and sleep, It was hard talking about them, very hard. After an hour or so I reached the base and parked up in the parking lot. I went up to my room. I just sat there on the couch, not doing anything other than reliving that day over and over trying to remember how I killed those rebels. I was out from my trans by some knocks on the door. I got up and went to open it

"Hey Meghan. Cmon in" I stepped aside to let her in

"Anything I can do for you ?" I asked with a big smile

Meghan: "I saw you rush in here, everything ok ?" She asked. Is she concerned about me ?

"Yeah. Just bad therapy session with Harry, no big deal" I answered simply to not raise any more questions

"You a coffee or tea person ?" I offered

Meghan: "what kind of question is that ? Dont tell me you're into tea ?" She asked

"You're saying it like satan created it or something" I joked. I gestured for her to sit on the couch which she did

Meghan: "it's not like that, the british SAS have their own thing, which is tea. It's just weird to see an american prefer tea over coffee"

"I guess. Tell you what, I'll make you a cup of tea to try and change your mind. Sounds good ?"

Meghan: "fine, but if I dont like it you'll be drinking coffee for the next whole week, deal ?" She held her hand up for a gentlemen agreement

"Will you be biased ?" I asked

Meghan: "I promise I wont" with that being said, I shook her hand

"Deal" after that, i went into the kitchen

Ok. Black tea ? No, a first timer wont like it right away. Jasmin flavor ? Maybe her next if she likes the first. English tea ? Oh yes, I'll add milk and a slight spoon of honey. After I decided on that, it didn't pass 5 minutes till the pot was ready. I took 2 cups out and and went out of the kitchen

"Sorry for being late, tea often needs a delicate approach" I apologized

Meghan: "you didn't take long. So what exactly am I drinking ?" She asked. I put the pot on the coffee table infront of us and started pouring into the 2 cups

"I'll tell you later"

Meghan: "keeping the recipe a secret ? That's very cliché, mister" she joked and I giggled slightly

"Give it a few seconds and blow on it, its abit hot" I informed

"And thank you for your concerns"

Meghan: "cmon, man. You'll be going out on missions with us soon. Soldiers take care of their own right ?" She stated

"Yeah.." after that, she took a sip. Did I add too much sugar ?

Meghan: "umm.. wow" she took another sip after that. So she likes it ?

Meghan: "what is this, its sweet on the right spots" She complimented

"Its nothing fancy. English Tea, its basically milk with a spoon of honey and a pinch of sugar" I informed

Meghan: "this is good, very good"

"Thank you. My grandpa on his old days served with the SAS for a couple of joint operations, they teached him alot of things, how to make a good cup of tea included. So when he got back, my mom fell in love with the tea he made, so he taught her. Later in life she taught me too" I told her the short story

Meghan: "good thing he did, because no british would've ever convinced me to drink tea" I laughed

"Yeah, they're not bad people. They just like their tea too much" I stated

Meghan: "just like someone I know"

"Really ? Who ?" I asked confused

Meghan: "you ?" She answered

"What ? I dont like tea too much. It's just a good beverage to have once in awhile instead of coffee"

Meghan: "it's great that you're convincing yourself that. Anyway I think I should head out. It was nice talking to you" she said putting the cup down on the table and walked to the door. I walked with her

"Same. I'll see you later Meghan" I opened the door for her. She walked out after we said our goodbyes

I grabbed the cups and put them in the sink, then I went to sleep. It was nice having someone to talk to like that

Short chapter ? Sorry. Signing out.

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