Chapter 18: Rumors

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Alex's POV:

Thatcher: "you alright mate ?"

"Yeah, one of her fucking mines got to me. I've been staying away from them all the time but one of em got to me" I was referring to Ela's mines. If it wasn't obvious; I hate them

Thatcher: "let's get out before one of them grabs a hold of ya" we finished the sim. We didn't manage to capture the bedroom but we did eliminate all foes

Ela was too focused on me and forgot about Thatcher backing me up, so we overwhelmed her till she slipped up opening a shot for me to take her out. After we took out all the recruits leaving Mute and another recruit, Caviera stepped out. She on the other hand didn't forget about Thatcher, matter of fact she took him out first then came after me. So I knew what I had to do, i had to take out Mute and the other recruit. If I'm fighting her I'll be tired as hell after the fight. I quickly walked up to the 2nd floor and took them out, after that Caviera showed up too late

After that whole ordeal, I prevailed. With slashes here and there. Didnt think I'd walk out without any scratches. And of course just like last time, on my way out one of Ela's mines hit me. With that being said me and Thatcher were walking away until Taina and Ela catched up to us angry

Mike: "Alright lasses take it easy" he said and walked up infront of me. Taina pushed him away and held a knife to my throat

Taina: "Vou fazer da minha missão de vida fazer da sua vida um inferno (I will make it my life's mission to make your life a living hell) " she said angrily and left

Ela: "you got lucky today. But someday your luck will run out, tchórz (coward)" and she left after that being said

Mike: "you're in deep shit"

"What ?? Its because of you and Mark that they hate me even more now"

Then Meghan walked over at us

Mike: "I'll get going now lad"

"See you around" I waved goodbye

"Hey Meghan" I said with a smile

Meghan: "they're pissed" she referred to Ela and Taina

"Yeah. It was just training until they came along. They wanted my head" I joked

Meghan: "they did a number on you, didn't they ?" she pointed out the few slashes that were on me

"That's Taina's work. Ela's work is in here" I tabbed on my head

Meghan: "that's Ela for you, everyone got a taste of her concussion mines. They're awful" she said

"They really are" I agreed

Meghan: "let me take you to doc, he can fix you up and maybe give you something for the headache"

"You really dont have to, I know my way around" I assured her it wasn't necessary

Meghan: "I wasnt asking" she insisted so I complied and began walking with her

"Wanna know a secret ?" She nodded

"The sim consisted of 10 recruits. Mike had a hunch that Taina and Ela might join in if they saw me in the training area, so he had an inside man in advance in case they did join in" her eyes became wide hearing that

Meghan: "no fucking way! That's how you beat them ? That's just dirty. Respect" she held her fist up which I bumped with my own

"There I was just wanting to train but noo, Taina and Ela had a different plan"

Meghan: "Taina is really competitive. Ela is just mad for what you did to Zofia" we arrived to the infirmary and got in

Meghan: "hey Lera, Alex here got a few slashes from Taina, can you fix him up ?" She asked Finka who was obviously busy with paperwork on her desk

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