Chapter 24: Favor

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Alex's POV:

Next day passed and I was having breakfast. While I'm in the middle of eating, there was a buzz. I pulled out Rainbow's phone and it was a message from Elena. It read 'Goggles are here, come after breakfast' so they're goggles ? After I finished my breakfast I looked around for Grace, I was in luck because I saw her sitting with Meghan, and Emma. So I went over to them

"Hey ladies" I greeted

Meghan: "Hey Alex. Need something ?" She greeted

"Yeah. Grace, I kinda need a favor" I asked after Meghan gestured with her hand to sit which I did

Grace: "what kind ?" She asked

"I'm doing a whole rework on Jack's Cardiac Scanner, and I need someone who's expert in codings" I said

Emma: "what kind of rework ?"

"I'm trying to get the Scanner to work on goggles instead of the box. To make it more tactical"

Emma: "is that even possible ?" She asked

"It is, its just a matter of time so thats why I'm asking Grace to help me with the codes"

Grace: "fine, but you'll owe me one" she said

"What ?" I asked in confusion

Meghan: "just say yes or she'll never help you" she informed

"Fine, I'll owe you one. Meet me in R&D when you're done" I got up and walked away

I walked in the lab looking for Elena, luckily she was working on something on one of the tables, so I approached her

Elena: "Alex, the Goggles are right over at your bench"

"Thanks, Grace will be helping with the codings"

Elena: "just make sure nothing goes wrong" I nodded and she left

The goggles were put in a box, so I took them out to start working

The goggles were put in a box, so I took them out to start working

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half an hour passed til Grace showed up

Grace: "Hey Toxin" she greeted and grabbed a seat next to me and put her laptop on the table

"Call me Alex please" I said

Grace: "but you are Toxin, Right ?" She asked which got my attention off of what I was doing

"Not right now. Maybe when I'm on duty, but not right now" I said

Grace: "sheesh, what a bummer. So how far did you go ?" She asked scrabbling around the tools

"I've dismantled it and wired everything to the goggles, all I need now is the codes and we can test them" I informed

Grace: "why did you ask for my help ? I've seen the firewall you built, you know all about codes just like me"

"I told you, it would only help on making the process faster having second hands on the codes while I work on the wiring" I said

Grace: "yeah, like I would believe that. Let's just get this done"

Another half an hour passed on Grace coding the goggles

Grace: "ok, let's see if it works" I've put on the goggles and pressed on the side button for activation

"Ok ok! we're getting somewhere" I stood up and looked around and saw heartbeats. But that didn't last very long

"Shit, its twitching on and off"

Grace: "how! My codes are straightforward and with no mistakes" I took them off and plugged it In the laptop

"Let's just check again"

Grace: "it's not my codes! Maybe its because of the battery or something"

"Its not the battery, but I'm going to check it, and you should also check the codes. Sound good ?" She nodded

A full hour have passed. Grace and I were almost frustrated at what's going on

Grace: "test it again" she said and I've put them on

"Its on, it's on, it's on, it's on, aaaaand its twitching again" I took them off and placed them on the table again

"Look, this can take awhile. You go ahead and relax, I wanna know why this thing isn't working"

Grace: "no, If I do that you wont owe me anymore. So let's just try again"

Another 2 hours passed on testing it again and again, but still it wasn't working

Grace: "maybe its destined on not working" we both were frustrated. Grace had her forehead on the table because of that

"It has to work, it needs to work. I checked the wires and there's nothing wrong with it"

Grace: "wait, what if we rebuild the database from scratch instead of transferring the old ones ?"

"But that would mean we'll have to put in new codes"

Grace: "that will be a problem if we weren't smart in computer science" she joked

"I'm up for it if you are" I stated

Grace: "that's the only theory we got, so let's get to work" she ordered

Another hour passed. This time we were full of hope on making it work

"Ok, please work, please for the love of god work" I prayed

Grace: "if it doesn't work, you'll owe me either way" she said while pointing her finger at me

"I'm going to ignore you now" I said while putting the goggles on and activating them

"Ok, it's on, it's on, it's on, it's on, it's on. Holy shit, it's not twitching!" I looked around

Grace: "you're kidding!" She said taking it off to see it herself

"Careful!" I said

Grace: "ITS WORKING! Its fucking working!" She said jumping up and down

"This took longer than expected"

Grace: "it really did. Now what about field testing ?" She asked

"Jack will be testing it tomorrow I think" i answered

Grace: "I'm tired, i didn't get lunch, and did I say I'm tired ?" I chuckled at her comment

"I'll put the goggles in a safe place, you go ahead"

Grace: "you know, we didn't come up with a name"

"We get to name it ?"

Grace: "hell yeah, we created the damn thing"

"We didn't create it"

Grace: "ok, we upgraded it, so that gives us the right to name it"

"Sure, anything you have in mind ?"

Grace: "how about 'Cardiac Arrest' "

"Oh my god..."

Grace: "you know, because it's a Cardiac Sensor, and because Jack is FBI and he arrests criminals. Hence the name 'Cardiac Arrest' " we began walking out

Hope this chapter was good. Signing out

Toxin (Rainbow Six Siege X OC)Where stories live. Discover now