Chapter 30: A mistake

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Meghan's POV:

I woke up, the room was pitch black. I was cuddled up with Alex, I was cuddled up with Alex ?! No no no no! What did I do ?! I kissed him first I know that for a fact! But why did I kiss him ? I noticed that he was breathing

"You're up ?"

Alex: "guess you picked up on my breathing" he got up and immediately got dressed. I got up covering myself with the blankets

"Can you turn on the lights ? I dunno why you shut them off last night before we.."

Alex: "I dunno" he turned them on

Alex: "I'll let you get dressed" he said and walked outside of the bedroom to the living room. I began looking for my clothes and eventually found them. I've put them on and walked outside

Alex: "hey" he greeted in a low voice

"Listen, last night was a mistake" I said, i looked at him and saw.. sadness ?

Alex: "yeah, totally. It was my fault so, dont worry about it"

"What ? How ? I kissed you first"

Alex: "I..."

"You trynna take fault for my mistake ?"

Alex: "look, can we just stay friends ?" He asked, which caught me by surprise

"I'd hate to lose you aswell, thats why I said it was a mistake. I'm gonna go" I began walking towards the door

Alex: "wait, we need to talk about this first" he got up

"What's there to talk about ?? I fucked up, we fucked up. That's it"

Alex: "so, we cant be friends"

"Not after what happened, no. I'm sorry, you wont take blame for a mistake I did, Alex" I opened the door and was headed to my room. The halls were empty, thank god for that. Because right now, I look like a mess

It was for the best. I liked him, but I know he doesn't want any distractions, that's why I ended things before they could start. I would've been a distraction for him

Alex's POV:

I kept staring at the door after she left. Why ? Why is it the ones I like always walk out ? I lost a friend, a good friend. I wanted to shower, so I laid clean clothes and went to the bathroom. After I was done, I walked out to the mess hall. I made sure to not let anyone know that there's something wrong through my body language, so I faked a regular smile. I grabbed a tray and looked for an empty booth

I saw Meghan sitting with Craig, Grace, And Emma. Being around her will be difficult now

Meghan's POV:

I saw Alex, and he looks.. normal. Like last night didn't even happen. Good for him, being around him will be awkward

Craig: "you ok Meghan ?" He took me out of my train of thoughts

"Yeah, why ?"

Craig: "you look flushed out"

"I'm ok, man"

Craig: "good, im gonna go to the gym to get a headstart. See you there ?"

"I dunno" then he got up and left

Emma: "you don't look good, dont try to even hide it"

"I'm not hiding anything, just woke up with a terrible headache that's all"

Grace: "even if you dont want to tell us, just know that we're here for you"

"If there was something wrong, I'd say it. But you two are just paranoid"

Emma: "whatever you say"

The PA came alive and called me, Thatcher, Zofia, Sledge, Jackal, Hibana, and Maverick. To the briefing room. A mission will get my head straight

"I'll see you two after"

Emma: "stay safe"

Grace: "be careful"

I got up, threw my trash away, and headed out. I took a glimpse back at Alex and saw that, was that concern on his face ? I disregarded that idea and headed to the armory to grab my weapons and cams. After that, I walked into the briefing room. We waited till all of us were here, it wasn't that long until all the missing persons came. Harry got up and started the mission briefing

Harry: "ok team, White Masks have got into CERN LABS in Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. For those of you who dont know who CERN is, they're used to be a nuclear science research lab in the 80's, but they shifted their goals to particle physics. From first looks of their attack, they seem to be looking for a part, but before they could get out the local police surrounded them. Your objective is to eliminate them and see if they found what they were looking for. capture a mask and bring them here for interrogations. Mike is team leader. Any questions ?" Non of us had any

Harry: "Marius is waiting outside" then we all walked out and headed towards the airfield. We saw Marius waving us over. We boarded the heli

Marius: "welcome aboard, freunds. Way of destination should be smooth, weather looks to be nice today, we'll be in Switzerland in no time"

Yumi (Hibana): "for the last time, Marius. Stop with the airline jokes"

Seamus: "Aye, its getting old"

Mike: "listen up team, I asked Harry for the labs blueprints. We need to figure out from where we should breach in"

Zofia: "somewhere that's not directly leading to one of the labs or a chain reaction of explosions will occur"

Mike: "shite, we need to get our hands ugly then"

After two hours or so of solid planning, the team were going to take a nap. Except me and Zofia. The air was making me think of Alex. He didn't want distractions.. and I am one

Zofia: "you're good Meghan ?"

"People keep asking me that"

Zofia: "are you though ?"

"Yeah, I am" a couple of minutes passed with neither of us talking

"Can I ask you something ?" She nodded

"What do think about Toxin ?" I said his codename to not stirr any suspicions

Zofia: "Alex ? Well, he's good guy. but most of all, I think he's easily misunderstood"

"What do you mean ?" That got my attention

Zofia: "do you believe that you know someone by just reading their psyche report ? Alex tends to believe that keeping to himself is a good way of living, that's what makes him misunderstood. Why do you ask ?"

"Just trynna get to know a colleague, that's all. I'm gonna sleep through" she nodded

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