Chapter 17: inside man

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Alex's POV:

I was having lunch in peace. After I finished Mike sat across from me

"Mike" I greeted

Mike: "You're doing a sim with me today" he informed

"How come ?" I asked surprised at the news

Mike: "You're rusty, we cant have someone rusty going on a first mission" he answered

"So when's the mission ?"

Mike: "I've no idea. Harry will decide, but you'll have to be ready when he decides to bring you along one" he informed

"Ok. When ?"

Mike: "now. Throw your trash and grab your things and meet me at the training area" he ordered. He reminds me of.. let's just get going

I threw my trash and went to the armory. I grabbed my Tavor-7 and Kimber 1911 and put on my uniform leaving the gas mask behind. I walked to the field and saw Thatcher waiting on me

"So who's going up against us"

Thatcher: "10 recruits. We either have to capture the area which is the bedroom, or eliminate all of them"

"They'll be heavily defending it"

Thatcher: "yeah. We'll have to eliminate a few then go in for capture"

Then a voice came out from behind us making us turn around to the source

Taina: "we're also going in" she stated

Thatcher: "like 'ell you are. I booked it for Toxin and I, lass. You cant be going in with us. And who is we ?" Ela came up from behind Taina holding her FO-12 shotgun, she's not planning on training thats for sure

Ela: "oh we're not going in with you, we'll be defending with the recruits of course" what did I say..

Thatcher: "oh I see. Ladies this is only a training excercise, taking revenge upon the poor bastard wont achieve anything" he tried reasoning with them

Taina: "I dont know about you, Ela. But i genuinely just want to train" it was obvious that she was lying, she had a big evil smirk on her face supporting her lie

Ela: "oh I'm absolutely here to train, gotta keep myself in check right ?" She also lied and cocked her shotgun. They walked away into the building to prep

"I'm not going in there" I stated

Thatcher: "cmon, this all about training" he assured me which didn't work

"You kidding me ? Those women in there have the intends of killing me. I'm not going in"

Thatcher: "alright mate wanna know a secret ?" I nodded

Thatcher: "I had a hunch on those two crashing in on us, so I had Mark dress up like a recruit and be an inside man"

"Wow, that's just wrong"

Thatcher: "one call and he's out if you don't want to"

"I was kidding, old timer. What if we take him out on accident ?"

Thatcher: "trust me, he'll be keeping off from you. Now let's drone in and end this mockery"

Meghan's POV:

Me and Craig were in the gym with the FBI SWAT along side Erik and Grace. Eliza was just telling us what her contacts were telling her

Jordan: "you talked to Ted ?"

Eliza: "yeah. He came out empty handed. Every single contact of mine came out empty handed. All they found was his Navy records"

Miles: "what about our database ?" He asked giving out an idea

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