Chapter 46: back at it again

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Travis: "So you know what I told her ? I said 'hey, dont blame me for trying. A guy like me HAS to try with a woman like you' and the rest is history" he took a sip from his drink. Wait, What's going on ?

Alex: "you have got to be kidding me... and she let you ? Just like that ??" The bartender poured us more drinks. Why am I reliving this memory ? Better yet, why now ? I was just standing, seeing my past self having drinks with Travis

Travis: "just like that" he made his fingers snap

Alex: "damn... Oliver would be proud" we both laughed

Travis: "i still dont get why you dont go out and and lay all your magic on a future Mrs. Osiris" he nudged me, making me spill some of the whiskey in my hand

Alex: "you know why. The thing I dont get is why you're doing it. We're never available for relationships. We only get a week off every once in a while"

Travis: "yeah but because of our business, you can just wake up in the morning and leave. Girls nowadays are only into one-nighters. And that's what we're available for" he put his hand on my shoulder

Alex: "those one-nighters aren't for me, my man" I smiled as I sipped the whiskey

Travis: "so you DO want a Mrs. Osiris!" He laughed out loud. Henry took a seat next to Travis and eyes the bartender for a drink

Henry: "what are we laughing about ?" He said as he took a sip

Travis: "our little bro here wants a Mrs. Osiris" he chuckled some more

Alex: "those weren't my exact words. You know how he gets carried away" I told Henry

Henry: "I just wanna know what's wrong with that though"

Travis: "oh right, you're happily married with kids. almost forgot about little Timmy"

Henry: "Todd" he corrected him

Travis: "yeah yeah. Little Todd"

Henry: "he's 16"

Travis: "will you give me a goddamn break ?!" He said and lightly punched MY shoulder, instead of Henry's

Alex: "wrong shoulder, motherfucker"

Henry: "look, Alex. Dont worry about finding someone. You'll know when-"

Alex: "I dont wanna sound disrespectful, but those were really Travis' drunken words. Not mine"

Henry: "all I'm saying is you'll know it. It'll hit you like a train that you did find that someone. Did I tell you how I met Alison ?"

Alex: "please, for love of god, dont. You told me about a fifty times already"

Henry: "it was when I returned from Iraq when I was 23..." and now he is reciting the good ol' story to my past self as I stood from afar, just watching this. If I remember this correctly... I heard a bottle shatter from behind me. Yup, I do remember this correctly. I saw my past self with Travis and Henry look back, seeing MJ being surrounded by a few buffed up bikers. They stood up and went to MJ to have his back, along with the past Alex

Travis: "what seems to be the problem, fellas" he stood next to MJ

MJ: "oh there is no problem, Travis. I was just telling this fine gentleman that his girl looked really beautiful last night" he gestured for the biker in the middle, who looked very mad

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