Chapter 7: a little pit stop

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Alex POV:

"Hey, I'm Alex" I greeted and let my hand out

Meghan: "Meghan, Valkyrie on the field" shook my hand

"Lead the way, Meghan" I said with a smile. We were walking to the armory

Meghan: "so how do you like the place so far ?" She asked making conversation as we were headed to our destination

"So far so good. Good to be surrounded by the elites again"

Meghan: "so you're not worried about falling back while others keep on walking ?" She said in a serious tone while walking. I didn't respond for a while, She stopped and looked at me

Meghan: "sorry, I sometimes think outloud" she apologized

"No its alright. But for what its worth, people here can never fall behind. You included" i stated and looked around the hallway

Meghan: "what do you mean ?" She crossed her arms

"For me, falling behind is a concern dont get me wrong, but concerns keeps you going. So if you have any concerns, that means you're doing it right, because they're driving you to not fall behind anyone" she kept staring at me for a few seconds

Meghan: "c'mon, You're gonna be late for your first ass kicking" she gestured me to follow her again

"Mine or someone else ?" I asked trying to keep up with her

Meghan: "we'll see" I could tell that she had a grin on her face. After a few minutes we reached the armory

Meghan: "ok so what's your vault's number ?" I took out the piece of paper Harry handed me earlier

"21-C" I responded

Meghan: "it should be" I followed her to what seems to be my vault

Meghan: "alright. So punch in your password in the keypad. I'll be waiting by the exit" she said and walked away

I used the password that was given to me and heard a loud buzz. I walked in and found my 3 crates in the middle with my weapons' duffel bag next to them, I started taking them out first

 I walked in and found my 3 crates in the middle with my weapons' duffel bag next to them, I started taking them out first

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