Chapter 29: Havoc

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Alex's POV:

Karina and I landed at Hereford with the scientist with us, his name is Doctor Nataniel Uri, he's a Norwegian  Nuclear physics Scientist. I'm sure he'll answer all of Harry's answers since we rescued him and promised to protect his family

"Nøkk" I made sure to call her by her codename around people

Karina: "yes ?"

"It was good working with someone like you" I complimented

Karina: "it's always good to work with someone similar to you, dont you think ?" She got me to smile

"Yeah" I said and began walking away to my room. When I approached the door, someone tabbed my shoulder. It was Meghan

Meghan: "what's wrong with you ?" She asked

"What ?"

Meghan: "you go off on a mission that takes a few days without telling anyone ? Without telling me ? Do you know how I felt when Harry told me that ?" She asked

"Why.. why do you care that much though ?" Then she let go

Meghan: "because I thought we were friends"

"We are" I stated

Meghan: "then why didn't you give me atleast a heads up ? I could've asked you to bring a souvenir or something" she said with a smile. Couple of seconds passed in silence

Meghan: "you're probably tired, I'll leave you to it" she walked away, so I got in my room to sleep after that whole recon mission went

I woke up the next morning. I did my whole routine. and after that, I went out to get breakfast. After I grabbed my tray, I foun an empty booth. After I finished my food, the PA came to life

PA: "ALL OPERATORS TO THE MESS HALL, I REPEAT, ALL OPERATORS TO THE MESS HALL" I was already there so I just sat tight. Then Harry and Sam walked in and got up the stage. shortly, the mess hall was filled with all the operators

Harry: "thank you for coming. I brought you here today to update you on our main threat; The White Masks. They have a new weapon in play. Well, two actually" then Harry gestured to Sam

Sam: "those guys got better over the years, meaning there has to be someone new in charge or someone joined them to change things around. Now, they got a half-built Nuke, and a fully functional Nerve Gas. Toxin and Nøkk brought in a hostage scientist last night, he was one of the people who worked on both the nuke and the gas, the nuke according to our guy will be ready in about 2 months, but the gas is, its stronger than the one on Bartlett"

Harry: "I'm sorry to say but, all of you will have to work extra time because of this new threat" then Mike spoke up

Mike: "sorry ? We joined to wipe them off of the face of earth. I believe that my colleagues have no issue to work double time, Six" the whole room was on the same page like Mike

Harry: "wonderful. Dismissed" some operators stayed to discuss what they just heard, and some got back to what they were doing. I was just sitting in my booth until Meghan joined

Meghan: "hey" she greeted and took a seat

"Hey, Meghan"

Meghan: "how do you feel about the new threat ?" She asked

"It worries me, makes me think that the world is on the balance, because it is"

Meghan: "yeah" she agreed

"Hey, wanna go hit the gym ?" I asked

Meghan: "didn't plan on going there today, but sure"

"Oh, then you dont have to come if you weren't planning to. I only asked because-" she cut me off with a laugh

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