Chapter 48: Order

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Alex's POV:

The doors of the courtroom opened. Markon، Coulson, and I with two more agents were walking in. The rest of the agents stayed behind

Just before we were through the doors, the Bailiff stopped us

Bailiff: "I really hope your security guards didn't bring a gun" he quipped sarcastically

Bailiff: "arms up" he said to the agents, prompting up their arms. The two agents looked between eachother awkwardly

Coulson: "we have our firearms on us" he informed just before the Bailiff could search him

Bailiff: "security at the entrance didn't get them ?"

Coulson: "No. We showed them our badges"

Markon: "these are CIA agents, esé. No need for the search-up" the Bailiff laughed at what Markon called him

Bailiff: "right right, just because I'm hispanic. And for that, I get to search you up, holmės" he said with a smirk

Markon: "seems like you dont know who I am"

Bailiff: "arms up, Prime Minister" he retorted back

Coulson: "alright alright he doesn't have a gun ok ? We're just here to drop him off and be on our way" He pointed at me

??: "is there a problem gentlemen ?" Someone said from across the room. I looked behind the Bailiff and saw three persons who sat on the table that was higher than the other tables. They were the Justices on this case

 They were the Justices on this case

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Markon: "no your honor. Just minor complications" he said from across of the room, holding a fake smile

Bailiff: "Justice Briggs, they're not letting me search them up" he said, still holding his smirk

J. Briggs: "Is that so ? Its mandatory Mr. Prime Minister" she held a firm tone

Coulson: "your honor, I'm Special Agent Phill Coulson, we were just dropping him off"

??: "you and your coworkers are dismissed, Agent Coulson" he nodded and was leaving with his two agents, but one of the Justices quickly said

J. Briggs: "uncuff him, agent" Thank fuck. Coulson nodded again and walked up to me. I made sure he'd see my grin. He took the cuffs off and walked away

??: "Bailiff, search them" the third Justice said, the Bailiff complied and went to search Markon first. After he was done and made sure he didn't have lethal weapons, he came up to me and searched me. He nodded his head confirming we were good to go and Markon and I walked up along the hall

Like I said before, 3 Justices were seated at the higher table. From what I've heard, the elderly woman was Justice Briggs. Markon went to the left table, so I went to the right one. But none of us sat down, we both were hovering over the chairs awaiting for their permission to sit. There was a woman with a typewriter sitting close enough to hear everything so I assumed she's the one who types the record

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