Chapter 22: All roles

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Alex's POV

We arrived at the base after that whole mission went down. The guns were put into an AC-130 and were shipped here for full inspection. The helicopter landed and medics came running with a stretcher for Zofia. Before I could walk away Doc grabbed ahold of me

Gustave: "you did good today" he stated

"Thanks. You guys did the heavy work, I was only back-up" and I left into the base

I arrived at my door and saw an intresting logo underneath my name

I arrived at my door and saw an intresting logo underneath my name

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It put a smile on my face seeing my old logo here. But before I could enter, Meghan came between me and the door

"Meghan, it's been a long day"

Meghan: "I heard. And I also heard you saved Zofia, is that why she's in the infirmary ?" She asked

"More or less"

Meghan: "huh.. ok I'll let you get back to it" then she left. That was weird..

Meghan's POV:

I left and was headed to the infirmary to check up on Zo. When I arrived there were multiple operators standing around the bed Zofia was on, Eliza, Miles, and Jordan. Ela was sitting in a chair that was beside the bed holding Zofia's hand

Meghan: "hey Zo, how are you feeling ?" I asked

Zofia: "tired. But glad that I'm breathing" she said with a smile

Eliza: "we were just asking her how the mission went. Elias, Olivier And Emma are being debriefed by Harry"

"Just ask Harry for the debrief tape, why do you gotta annoy her"

Miles: "yeah.. we're not that intrested in the mission details so much" he said which I immediately knew what he meant

"Cmon you guys, he saved her. Can all of you just leave it at that ?" Doc walked in

Eliza: "we just want to know who he is through his missions. That's all"

Gustave: "I also would like to know who he is after today" Gustave announced

Jordan: "what do you mean ?"

Gustave: "Zofia was shot in her upper body exactly near her heart, and was also shot down in her abdomen" he said slightly pulling up her shirt to show us her stitched up wounds

"Wow, good thing you stitched her up good" I admired his work

Gustave: "that's just it, I didn't do anything. He took out both bullets under the stress of the gunfight while both bullets were in critical spots. The stitches are his work"

Eliza: "what does that mean, Doc ?" She asked

Gustave: "it means if I was in his place, I wouldn't have done it without needing someone's assistance,  I would just stitch the wounds and try to get her out. And even if I had assistance, the stress would have gotten to me" then we all went silent to acknowledge that Alex is really that good

Ela: "I'm just glad he saved her" She stated

Zofia: "before he operated on me, he assured me in Polish. Kept telling me how he'll get me out to see you and Nina again" Nina is her Daughter

Jordan: "so he knows Polish now ?"

Gustave: "also French, I heard him talking to Olivier in the helicopter"

"And Lera told me that he talked to them in Russian when he went out for drinks with them"

Miles: "so the guy knows Polish, Russian, and French ?"

"I guess" I answered

Zofia: "Mówiłem ci, że jest dobrym facetem (I told you that he is a good guy)" she started talking in Polish to Ela

Ela: "tak, teraz to rozumiem, odłóż się (yeah I get that now, lay off)" I have no idea what they were saying so I turned to Eliza who was talking to the rest

"So what now ?" I asked

Eliza: "I'll go talk to Six to see if I can change his mind somehow" she said

Jordan: "we'll go with you. Nothing beats a support group" they all nodded

Miles: "You coming, Meghan ?" They all looked at me, I sighed

"Sure, let's go" and we walked out, Doc stayed behind for Zofia

On our way out we were met be Mike and Grace

Mike: "what's this about ?" He asked

Miles: "we're going to Harry for answers about the new guy"

Grace: "oh! I wanna join in" she said

Mike: "bloody 'ell. Is she atleast ok ?" He asked about Zofia

Miles: "yeah yeah, let's just go" we walked to Harry's office. After a short walk we reached his door and Eliza knocked a few times getting a 'come in' from him. All of us walked in

Harry: "what can I do for.. all of you..." he said surprised at our numbers

Eliza: "Is Toxin Delta Force ?" She asked

Harry: "sorry ?" He asked

Eliza: "did Alex serve with Delta Force ?" She repeated

Harry: "that was a failed project, how did you know about that ?" He said getting up from his seat

Jordan: "so he is Delta" he said

Harry: "I just said that it was a failed project"

Mike: "but you didn't deny it either. Who is the kid, Harry"

Harry: "That 'kid' you're talking about just saved his assigned team, especially Zofia if non of you knew that" he said

Eliza: "we know, but what was interesting is Gustave told us he pulled some crazy medical shit on Zofia that even he couldn't do. So who is he"

Harry: "he's someone to trust your back with, he's Timur, Taina, Doc, James, Jordan, and Elena all rolled in one"

Jordan: "he's a demo man like me ?"

"You heard lots of names but what catches your attention is he's like you ?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him

Harry: "yes, he's an expert in explosives,  he's a sharpshooter just like Glaz, medical expert like Doc, engineer like Elena, and so on... what I can do is *he took out his phone* release his Psychology and gadget report" we all checked our phones to see if his bio got updated, which it did

Miles: "you said he's like Taina, is he an interrogator ?" Harry nodded

Harry: "he's as best of not better than her" he informed

Miles: "another reason for her to hate him more" he chuckled

Eliza: "looks like your time away that few weeks came rewarding if he's as good as you say, Six"

I walked out without saying a word. I walked to the lounge to start reading his file

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