Chapter 2: honey im short

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Harry's POV:

A few days had passed. I was still In Washington awaiting the call from The Prime Minister. 4 days had passed to be precise. But that didn't mean I was in vacation, I still had to do some work here and there. it was evening on the 4th day that I received the call I wanted. I immediately picked up the phone

"Prime Minister. To what do I owe the pleasure ?" I said in a happy tone which he immediately picked up on

Mr. Minister: "I see you're cheery and all. I guess you know the news I'm bearing ?" He said with a question at the end of his comment

"Well if they were bad news, you'd cut to the chase. Am I correct ?"

Mr. Minister: "you are. You got your green light to try and recruit him. Key word is 'try' Six" I knew what he meant

"So he left the life behind I assume?" I immediately followed a question after what he said

Mr. Minister: "you'll know why. Ive sent one of my officers to your hotel with the file, I cant send it to you via anything else. He's your problem now. Good luck Six" after he wished me luck he immediately hung up. After 10 minutes or so I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw a soldier with the name tag of Johnson

"Thank you" he nodded in response and immediately left after he handed me the file. I closed the door and went to the desk

I said to myself outloud after I sat on the chair "alright. Let's see what this commotion is all about" I opened the file and started reading

Very short chapter, I know. the next chapter Is the Bio chapter so that's why. Signing out

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