Chapter 44: Clear Sky

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Meghan's POV:

It was morning. I patiently waited on the airfield for Alex's helicopter to land. After it did, the doors opened and medics and personnel rushed to the helicopter. Alex jumped out and he was bruised up but ok nonetheless. I was just smiling and relieved that he wasn't hurt badly. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same

Alex: "hey, beautiful" he said while I was snuggled in his chest. I pulled away and looked him deep in the eyes with my hand on his cheek for comfort

"I'm glad you're not hurt that bad"

Alex: "I'm glad aswell" then I looked at the helicopter behind him and saw the medics helping out the injured Operators

"How bad ?" I asked

Alex: "could've been much worse. Jack was devastated when Yumi got hurt, he was by her side the whole time" he and I shared a face of sadness. Then we saw the personnel taking out the Nerve Gas carefully

Alex: "how's mom ?" He turned to face me

"She's ok, nothing out of the usual happened. And Harry wants you for debrief"

Alex: "ok. Where can I find you when I finish ?"

"In my room" I said and walked away

Alex's POV:

Meghan: "in my room" she said in a seductive tone of voice then walked away

Before I could walk to Harry's office, I made sure that the injured Operators didn't need any help getting to the infirmary thanks to the medics. Then I began walking to his office. I knocked a few times and got permission to come in. Harry and Sam were there waiting on me

Harry: "Mr. Osiris, take a seat" then Harry pulled out the same recorder from our sessions

Sam: "ok, start when you were on sniper duty" he said

I ran a quick recap to what exactly happened from the beginning when I was on sniper duty till the point where they all ambushed me in the Times Square

Sam: "so their intentions were to eliminate some of our Operators while having the embassy as a distraction for arming the Nerve Gas in Times Square ?" I nodded

"Yes sir"

Harry: "they injured a good amount, why didn't they finish the job ?"

"When I came face to face with them, they said Oliver ordered them to eliminate as much as they can, but they went off tracks when they saw me. They had personal grudge on me because I was the one who captured Griffin"

Harry: "I remember when you told us that he was the 6th of The Elites, you never told us how you found that information in the first place"

"It was 2+2, sir. Oliver wanted a squad like Delta at his disposal, so it would make sense to me that he wanted 6"

Sam: "we were watching through satellite images, is there a reason why you used your gas in civilian area ?"

"I formed a ring so that they wouldn't escape. The gas if not contained will dissolve in 10 hours or so, and the authorities did contain it before I left. And for the record, The Elites have been eliminated" Harry looked at me for a few seconds

Harry: "Sam, do you have more questions for him ?" He shook his head no

Harry: "then that will be all, Alex. Thank you for your time"

"Anytime sir" I said and went to the door. After a short walk I reached my dorm and knocked a few times, then my mom opened it

Mom: "you look like crap" I walked in and she sat on the couch

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