Chapter 14: Red was all

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Alex's POV:

The next few days passed quickly. I had two last sessions left with Harry before he signs off on my deployments. Over the week I saw the operators go to missions and comeback with minor injuries, and saw after some missions that the operatives bring white mask captives for Taina

Harry: "Alex ?" He took me out of my trans

"Yes sir ?" I responded

Harry: "what were you thinking about ?" He asked

"Nothing important. Just that there's two sessions left before I get to go on missions" I answered. Harry took off his glasses and held his temple

Harry: "Yes, and you still didn't open up to me"

"I did. But you didn't expect what I said"

Harry: "over the last days you told me about your life, yes. But when I ask about your military past you immediately brush off the subject" he responded

"I told you about my days with the Green Berets, What more do you want ?" I said standing up from the couch

Harry: "Delta Force" he answered calmly. Then I slowly sat on the couch

"I cant. I'm sorry, but I cant" i answered

Harry: "facing the past can be.. difficult. But imagine if you did face your past, because when you do there is no winning or losing. Just a man facing his past to get through life" he assured

"What if I dont" I asked looking down

Harry: "Then you have let your past define you and your future" Few minutes passed and I was reluctant if I  should tell him about that night or not

"Operation Red Dance. All of us were sent to Afghanistan to rescue a valuable informant"

Flashback begins**

Incase y'all forgot; Oliver is Al Father, Fox is Henry, Travis is Fork, Mj is Maurice, Hanz is John

Alex's POV:

0300 hrs
Objective: HVT RESCUE
Operation: Red Dance

We were on the chinook after the briefing back in base. Informant was captured by the Mujahedeen and thrown in a compound awaiting for their convoy to arrive so they can transfer him elsewhere, That was according to our intelligence team. After we entered Afghanistan soil and nearing the compound Al Father stood up

Al Father: "Alright ladies. HVT rescue, we done those a thousand times"

Fox: "Yeah, Just watch how Maurice over here will fuck up the situation for us"

Mj: "you sun of a bitch. Your game was weak with Melody, I had nothing to do with it. You fucked up because who asks a girl 'what's say you and I go on the roof for star watching' you fucking idiot" he said while pushing Henry away

Fox: "yeah but do you know what she said ? She told me that you already asked her out"

Hanz: "and that's because she wanted to get away from you, man. I mean who in their right mind would do Henry" we all laughed at that comment

Mj: "welp. I guess now I know who's getting the bag of shit under their pillow" he informed

Fork: "I never recovered from that when you did it to me"

Hanz: "you do that and imma show you what your intestines look like"

Mj: "we'll see about that buddy" Al Father walked up in the middle of the four to calm them down

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