Chapter 4: Choice of a new life

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Harry's POV:

I was on the phone conducting business however I can, I did that after i arrived to my hotel from Alexander's home. I was talking to operator Eliza

Eliza: "you've been away for sometime, Six. There's only so much I can do to keep everyone at bay. Mike and Olivier had a spat, per to say, Dominic sold some weed to the new recruits, and Grace put her favorite K-drama show on the mess hall's TV, which was disturbing to watch. you didn't even tell me why you went to Washington" I heard the news. I was happy to not hear the base went up in flame.

"Keep trying your best Eliza. I will either bring back something good or just come back empty handed" I assured her. None of the operators knew of my purpose, except Meghan and Craig

"I have to go, like I said before; conducting missions assignments is on you untill I get back"

Eliza: "yeah I remember. Good luck on your recruit" she saw right through me

After 3 days in Alex's POV:

I sighed as I remembered what Harry said. Coming back means I'll have to get to know my teammates, which means I'll have to be ready to lose anyone of them for the purpose of eliminating evil. Am i ready for that yet ? Am I ready to care again ? Questions like that are difficult to answer, because you're the one who have to answer them. Green Beret and Delta Forve taught me everything I know, except for one thing; losing.

I was starting at the ceiling in my old childhood room. Mom kept it intact even after I left. Now I was either looking at the ceiling or was looking at Harry's card. I heard a few knocks on my door and said 'come in'

Mom: "You doin ok hon ?" She said in a worried tone

"Yeah. I'm alright. Need anything ?" She sat beside me

Mom: "you know you have to go, right ? As much as I hate to admit it and hate seeing you go, it's for the a good reason and possibly the only reason" I looked at her and spoke

"What if I dont comeback ?" As i said that, she bursted into laughter

Mom: "I didn't raise an idiot did I ? Honey, I know for a fact that you'll comeback in one piece, what worries me is your mental health, I'm scared that you'll comeback worst than now. Other than that I know you'll comeback" she said and got up

Mom: "call that british gentleman. I know you'll regret it if this chance passed you by" said and left immediately. And I was left between staring at the ceiling and the card. With that, I decided

Harry's POV:

I was having breakfast and heard my phone ring

"Yes ?"

??: "its Alex, I'm in" with that being said. My assignment was a success

"Wonderful. I'll come pick you up in half an hour. Pack your essentials" I hung up and continued my breakfast with a smile. I have a feeling he'll change the outcome of our enemies

Half an hour had passed. I arrived in Alexander's Home and knocked on the door

Alex: "hello sir"

"Are you ready ?" As I said that he showed me a duffel bag which I assumed that it was full of his essentials

Mrs. Osiris: "now remember Alex, make friends, dont be an outcast, and call every week. Not like before giving me a call every couple of months" I saw as they hugged eachother

Alex: "alright mom, I promise" we walked to the rented car and opened the trunk

"Now, we'll have to go to the private airport and reach London in approximately 7 or 8 hours" I stated

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