Chapter 9: time is relevant

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Alex's POV:

I arrived to my room after dropping my weapons and uniform in my vault. I took out some new clothes which was a long sleeve shirt and some other jeans, after that I hopped on the shower. I have to do a grocery run for this place, I thought to myself. After 20 minutes or so I went out with a towel wrapped around my waist and put on the new clothes I had laid on the couch. After that, I went out and was headed to the mess hall. Again with all the eyes being laid on me on the way there

After a while I reached the mess hall and went to grab a tray of food, after that I looked for an empty booth which was easy, because not a lot of people were here. I finished my food a new figure sat across me, it was Mike

"Mike. What can I do for you" I asked keeping eye contact

Mike: "you have to know, lad. that people here need to know who you are for them to trust you" he said

"Well, I cant. The people at Washington ordered Harry not to disclose any information or even the file itself to anyone"

Mike: "Yes, Harry. Not you, and I'm ready to bet all my money that he told you it was up to you" he said

"I just need time, Mike. I was away from the military for quite sometime before Harry dragged me back, just give me a little more time" I requested

Mike: "take all the time you need" as he said that, flood of operators came in. They all grabbed their food and took their booths

Mike: "I believe you haven't gotten any introductions to our specialists ?" He asked. And I nodded

Mike: "throw your trash in the bin and come with me" I got up and did as he said

After a while. I've been introduced to all the major units that were here. There was the FBI, GIGN, GSG9. The SPETSNAZ, and etc... after that, Mike took me to another booth where I thought he'll introduce me to the last unit, but he gestured me to sit with them

Mike: "and here are the SAS. Introduce yourselves, lads" he said while taking a seat

Seamus: "Seamus Cowden, Sledge"

James: "James Porter, Also known as Smoke"

Mike: "and that is Mark Chandar, Or Mute. Youngest operative. Bloody kid knows his way around electronics, and he doesn't talk much" he said pointing at the kid who i learned to be Mark

"SAS... never thought I'd get the privilege to sit with you guys" I said admiring them

Seamus: "BlackBeard said you were a kiss ass, I didn't thought you'd do it as soon as you sat down, mate" he said with a smirk

James: "shut your bloody hole, Seamus. If the lad wants to kiss our asses I have no objections to that. It's good to be recognized every once in a while" he commented

"I might've kissed his ass a few times, but wouldn't dare to do that to you. My grandfather served with the SAS a couple of joint operations back in his days. I would hear all the stories he had with your unit" I stated

Mike: "that's why your last name sounds so familiar. Your grandfather is Hank Osiris, isn't he ?" He asked

"Yeah" I answered

Mike: "I was one of the ones he served with. Me and the lads back then taught him a few things. A great man he is" he stated

"Was" I said in a sorrowful tone of voice

James: "our condolences, mate"

"Thank you. Its because of the SAS my family got into tea instead of the usual stereotype of a coffee family. My grandfather taught mom on how to make a great cup of tea from what he learned from you" I said and gave a smile

Mike: "believe it or not, it was i who taught him the tea techniques. The rest teached him about reloading faster or holding down the aim"

"Then my mother and I thank you sir" I smiled and he nodded

James: "we saw you beat up Taina on your sim. She will put you through hell for that" he said

Mark: "not only that, mate. Zofia is in the infirmary because of him" he said for the first time I've heard him

Seamus: "you are terrible with the ladies, my friend" he stated. Only god knows how much I'm terrible in that area

"Yeah no kidding. I didn't mean to all those things to happen but it's to show what I got right ?

Mike: "dont apologize. they're strong women, deal with it" he said taking a sip from his cup of tea. Where the fuck did he get it from ??

Mark: "so what's your gadget ?" He asked

"What ?"

James: "this young genius has a Jammer, Seamus got his sledge hammer hence the code name Sledge, Old fuck over there got his EMP Grenades. We just want to know if you have one"

"Is it bad if I didn't have one already ?" I said trying to hide the informations about my gas as long as possible before i reveal it

Seamus: "no, Taina doesn't, and she scares the living souls out of us"

James: "she's our interrogator. I sometimes feel bad for the people she interrogates, she breaks those poor bastards with enjoyment" he said looking down

"Its a job. She might act like she enjoys it, she might tell you she takes joy from torture but trust me, she doesn't. it's her job to say that"

??: "you dont know anything about me, clown. So quit acting like it" someone said from behind me and I looked. It was Taina, arms corssed and pissed

"My bad" she walked away after I apologized

James: "fokkin 'ell. I didn't see her there" it was obvious that she startled all of us

Mike: "you said all those things like it was your job once" he asked

"Nah, I just knew someone who had that job" I lied

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking a walk around the base till evening" I said getting up

Mike: "go ahead lad. Sit with us whenever" Mike stated

Seamus: "Aye." He agreed

"Will do. I'll see you boys later" I waved goodbye

Meghan's POV:

I was sitting with Craig and Erik and we saw the new guy walk out from the hall

Erik: "I'm telling you Craig. I've seen this guy before"

Craig: "yeah I heard you the first hundred times asshole, but where" he asked annoyed by him

Erik: "I cant remember but I swear he looks familiar"

Craig: "ok. Can you stop annoying me now ?" He said and got back to his food

"Eating more than me doesn't mean you'll bench more, Craig" I stated joking around with him

Craig: "yeah we'll see about that Ms. 'I eat healthy and still bench more' " he said in an annoyed tone

Alex's POV:

I lied about taking a walk around the base, I was walking to the armory to check on the 3rd crate I didn't open. After a while I reached my vault and punched in the codes. I walked in and saw everything in their place the last time I've put them

I took out the 3rd crate and put it on one of the many unvacant counters. I was reluctant on opening it at first, but after I let out a deep exhale, I opened it. My Canisters were there, alongside the liquid and the small cure vials

Ending of this chapter. Hope you like my story so far. Signing out

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