Chapter 6: Her favorite

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Alex's POV:

We were in the gym. There was a sparring octagon on the left of the boxing ring. A few operators followed, alongside the old man who I learned to be Mike. He came off strong with those questions back there, wouldn't expect nothing less from someone like him

Harry: "alright Mr. Osiris, you can pick the ring or the sparring mat for your hand to hand" he said while I looked behind at him, I took a glance at the operators behind him

"Could you at least tell me who I'm going up against ?" I asked

Harry: "Ms. Zofia" and with that statement, I see someone walking towards me from the crowd. She was tall, that's how I knew she doesn't kid around

Harry: "She's currently 1st on the hand to hand combat, which makes her an expert, and Maxim in 2nd" he said while she stood next to him

"Hope she doesn't kill me" I had to let my concerns to me known, which of course was bullshit

Zofia: "I will if you pull your punches" she said in a thick accent, I'd say she's Polish

"Alright ma'am, sparring ring will do us justice" I stated and gestured to the sparring mat

Zofia: "my favorite" she said. Of course it was her favorite

"So if I beat her, then by default, I'll take her place in the CQC leaderboard ?"

Harry: "no. This is mainly for the evaluation and nothing else, if you're gunning for her position then you'll have take it up with her in your free time" he said while approaching us, guess he's going to be the referee

Harry: "alright, get ready you two. On my mark"

I saw the woman get into a Muay Thai stance, been a while but let's do the same fight style for fun

Harry: "go" he said and we slowly approached eachother

Both our hands were up, I waited for her to strike first so I can counter, she threw a a left jab and immediately followed with a right middle kick. I blocked the jab but couldn't block the kick. She took a few steps back and at the moment I was in the middle and she was circling around me like I was a fucking prey. I dont like this, I dont like this one bit. My eyes were glowing like their intentions were to kill. I slowly approached her with both my arms up, she threw a left jab which I grabbed and put her into an arm lock, my right arm was now holding her left arm and my left arm was around her nick. Then I kicked her knee pit making her fall on her knees, I pushed her away from me just so she can take her breath. We were far from over

Zofia: "waiting for me to attack is cowardice" she said as she was getting up. She's mad, she's hella mad

"Yeah, well. Gotta know your patterns, right ?" I said with a smile looking at her

She threw a right cross which I immediately dodged and threw a left hook in return, stunning her back, I didn't give her space to breathe so I went for the offensive. I had her in the corner of the octagon, I threw multiple jabs and crosses at her and finished with a low kick which she blocked with her leg. She also went for the offensive after the block, she swarmed me with jabs and kicks and were aiming at my head, chest, and waist. I dodged the first half and blocked the other half. Frustrated she began attacking with no pattern which caught me by surprise, she landed 2 cross punches and 1 left middle kick and 2 right high kicks and an uppercut which knocked me back, but the party wasn't over yet

'Cmon, time to end this bullshit of a fight now' i said under my breath

I held my hands back up. I approached her in the middle and we began circling eachother, with a surprise I dashed to her faking a left roundhouse into a left low kick, she fell on her back holding her leg

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