Chapter 31: caught

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Alex's POV:

I was in the lab making more gas canisters, it was currently 11pm. So after making more gas, I went downstairs towards my room. But as I was walking there, I saw that the ones who got called for a mission earlier in morning came back looking tired and messed up. So I went and asked Mike while all of them were walking down the hallway with a captured mask and.. Meghan

"You guys ok ?"

Mike: "no injuries, but it turned to a bloody bath quickly. We're all just tired"

Zofia: "I'll take the captured one to the interrogation room" they all nodded. I turned over to Meghan

"You ok ?" She nodded slowly

Yumi: "we couldn't hard breach a lab, we did it the hard way"

"Good thing you're all in one piece, I assume Harry will want a debrief ?"

Mike: "he'll have to wait till morning, I'm very fokking tired, lad"

Seamus: "as am I"

"Goodnight then" they went their separate ways, I kept my gaze at Meghan while she walked away. So I continued my walk to my room

The next day was uneventful, after I had lunch I remembered that Mike and the rest brought in a captured mask for Taina, so I went to the interrogation room to watch. I walked in and saw Lera, Sam and Harry watching Taina work. Lera is here to make sure that Taina doesn't kill him

Harry: "Alex, what brings you by ?"

"Just wanna watch her work"

Sam: "you want a go with him ?"

"I appreciate the gesture but no thanks"

Taina had knives stabbed on each hand while he was tied up to the chair

Taina: "I just want to know if you took whatever it is you were looking, you tell me that and it'll all be over" I heard her through the one-way window

White Mask: "it doesn't matter, you'll kill me anyways"

Taina: "but you see, I can do this all day, I can starve you up and comeback in two weeks. The suffering wont end until you tell me what I want" then she began slashing up his face

White Mask: "AGHHHH!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs

Lera: "at this rate, he will bleed out"

White Mask: "stop!! Please! I'll tell you what you want..." he gave up

Taina: "see ? That's all you had to say. Be nice to who comes after me or I'll comeback" she said and got out

Taina: "what is the clown doing here ?" She meant me

"I was just watching"

Taina: "whatever. He's all yours, old man" she meant Sam

Lera: "I will batch him up" she said and got in with Sam

Harry: "Alex, are you alright ?" He asked

"Yeah, why ?"

Harry: "just making sure your head is still in the game"

"Always, sir. I'll be going now" he nodded and I left. I was walking in the hallway until Maxim tabbed my shoulder behind me

Maxim: "hello comrade"

"Hey Maxim"

Maxim: "Spetsnaz are going for drinks, want to join ?"

"But it's the afternoo- nevermind. Maybe next time"

Maxim: "no problem, I will see you later" and I walked away. Before I could get in my room, someone tabbed my shoulder, what now ?

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