Chapter 34: start over

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??'s POV:

Griffin: "sir, your plan worked. They took the bait"

"Good. They think they saved all of the hostages we have ?" I got up from the chair

"They have no idea what I'm planning, even if they know what my cards are" I looked out the window to see more hostages in our building

"They're far from it"

Alex's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes. There was a heart monitor besides me beeping, and flowers were also on the table next to me. This is strange, where am I ? I tried getting up but my body was numb, how long was I out ? I looked out the window and noticed that it was night, am i back home ? I pulled out the wires that were attached on me. I looked down at my chest and noticed that I had new bandages wrapped around, there was more bandages down at my legs. I had nothing but pants on me. I got off the bed and looked around but didn't find anything to cover up my scars. Then I heard someone walk in, it was Gustave

Gustave: "what ? How are you up ??" He asked surprised at my

"How long was I out ?" I asked in response

Gustave: "one week, but you were supposed to stay in coma for atleast 3 weeks because of the lose of blood"

"Did we get all the hostages out ?" He nodded

Gustave: "we gave them the cure after we brought them here, dont worry" that was a relief

Gustave: "but how is your mind ?"

"What do you mean ?"

Gustave: "you were exposed to your own gas after you helped the little girl to safety, but the vials were all out after we gave them to the hostages"

"I'm fine. no hallucinations, no nothing" I clearly didn't see anything, but I knew exactly how my gas is going to affect me

Gustave: "is there a possibility that you're immune to your own gas ?" He asked

"Maybe, working closely on it may got me the resistance" I lied

Gustave: "Meghan have been keeping watch over you"

"Really ? Why"

Gustave: "you dont remember ? You pushed her away from that grenade" oh right, the grenade

"I was just doing my job, but did she see my scars ?" He nodded

Gustave: "I'm afraid so, mon ami" shit. I took a few seconds

"Afghanistan is a long way from Hereford, how did I get here ?"

Gustave: "we rushed you to a near US base and operated on you for the shrapnel, Meghan was O+ so she transfused blood over a 3 day period. after you were well enough to travel, we brought you here"

"Thank you for staying behind"

Gustave: "I'm sorry, but I didn't. I hatched you up and left the blood transfusion for the medics that were on the base. Meghan stayed behind, not me"

"I see, I should thank her later. Am I cleared to go ?"

Gustave: "it is protocol that after an injury that you do physical therapy. After that, you are cleared for duty"

"I see" then the door opened to reveal the woman I should thank. She looked at me surprised

Meghan: "Doc, you said he'll be in a coma for weeks"

Gustave: "I'm glad I was wrong" he said with a smile. Then walked out

"Hey" I greeted

Meghan: "hi" she greeted back

"Gustave told me you that you stayed behind with me at that base, and also donated your blood to me. Thank you"

Meghan: "i didn't want to leave you alone" she said while keeping eye contact, Those light brown eyes reflected on my soul...

Meghan: "is that why you wanted me out the day Taina slashed you up ? And when you shut the lights off that night ?" She pointed at me indicating my scars


Meghan: "how did you get them ?" I looked at her for a few seconds

"You confuse me"

Meghan: "what ?"

"You stay behind with me, then you keep visiting me"

Meghan: "Alex, we both agreed that night was a mistake"

"I only said what you wanted to hear"

Meghan: "what does that mean ??"

"It means maybe it was a mistake to you, but it wasn't a mistake to me" we kept eye contact

"I really liked you, but I didn't know how to pursue you, so I just stayed your friend. But then you kissed me, I was so happy that you did. But then hearing you say that it was a mistake hurt, it really did" she took her gaze off of me and kept staring at the ground

Meghan: "I liked you as well. But I remembered that story you told me about college. You made it look like you don't want any distractions, and I was one. It also hurt"

"I'm sorry that I made you feel that way, but you thought wrong"

"I'm tired, people keep assuming things about me. I thought you weren't like them, but here you are assuming that you were distractions to me. Im really tired" I looked away

"You weren't a distraction, far from it"

Meghan: "what if we start over.. what if we just woke up that morning and started over" I turned around

"are you sure ?" She walked over and we locked lips

Meghan: "does that answer your question ?" She pulled away and smiled

Sorry if this chapter was short. I still have so much to write. Signing out

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