Chapter 20: hidden details

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Alex's POV:

It's been 3 days since I've been cleared for any missions, Harry didn't tell me anything about any future missions. I was in the mess hall having dinner in peace until I saw one of the Brits get in a fight with Olivier or Lion, I saw the GIGN and the S.A.S trying to break off the fight, but they weren't successful. I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn't interfere, I shouldn't come between anyone. I threw my trash away and was planning on leaving the mess hall. After I left I went straight to my dorm. Half way there Zofia stopped me in my tracks

Zofia: "doing ok Alex ?" She asked

"Yeah. You ?"

Zofia: "I'm alright thanks for asking. I just want to apologize for my sister's behavior around you. I keep telling her it was only training and that you look to be a good guy but you have no idea how its frustrating to make her listen, even my daughter isn't like that" what.. ?

"You.. you have a daughter ?" I was very surprised

Zofia: "tak. She's 4 years old as of last month. Why are you surprised ?" She asked

"Nothing nothing" then all of a sudden the PA came to life


Zofia: "your first mission is with me. Get your equipment and meet me there. I have to go talk to Ela" she said and walked away

So this is the first mission ? I walked to the armory to get my guns and equipment. I grabbed my Hk 416 and  tp9sfx hand gun, along with my combat knife and boot knife. I've put on my uniform which had slashes on it from Taina which I completely forgot about. This time, I took my gas mask with me because my gas was also coming with me. I had everything with me so I went to the briefing room. I walked in and saw everyone were waiting on me

Harry: "welcome to your first mission, Mr. Osiris. Shall we ?" he greeted me and opened a projector showing us the mission details

Harry: "intelligence suggests that a weapons trade is happening in an abandoned warehouse in the docks in Paris between the Les Caïds des Cités local gang and the White Masks. We don't know if the White Masks are selling or buying but there's a high chance that they're selling because of what we did to that warehouse. Your main Objective is to only eliminate the White Masks and leave the local gang, if they fight back then you are authorized to fight back. Your second objective is to grab those weapons. Any questions ?" Non of us had any questions

Harry: "good. Zofia is team leader, Toxin is on back up. Good luck team. Marius is waiting in the airfield" he said and we all walked out to the air field

We saw Jäeger waving at us and got into the helicopter. We all boarded in and got situated

Jäeger: "welcome to Air Marius where the jokes are free and the naps are never better" he said that and turned the engine and rotors on

Gustave: "here mon ami, this plate can take a few bullets for you" he handed me an armor plate

"Thank you" I thanked him and put the plate in my vest

Gustave: "thank Julian" he corrected

Emmanuelle: "he always makes sure to give out his plates to everyone before missions, even if he wasn't on them" she stated as the helicopter went up

Elias: "those plates can be a real life-saver when situations get heated" they all agreed

"So uhh, before we reach our destination, can y'all tell me what your gadgets are ?" They all looked at me confused

Then one by one I learned everyone's gadget. I kept getting reminded that I'm surrounded by intelligent and professional people who just want to get the job done. 2 hours had passed and everyone were sleeping through the flight to our destination, except for Lion. So I struck a conversation out. So I gestured him to wear one of the headsets

"You know some people told me that I should stay out of your way" he looked at me

Olivier: "yeah ? Whoever told you is smart"

"es-tu un méchant ? (Are you a bad guy ?)" I started talking in French which caught him by surprise

Olivier: "ça n'a pas d'importance si j'étais ou n'étais pas (it doesn't matter if I was or wasn't)" he turned his head to the window

"une situation a fait penser à tout le monde autour de vous que vous êtes devenu un monstre, ai-je raison ? (one situation made everyone around you think that you became a monster am i correct ?)" He looked down

Olivier: "Qu'est ce que tu crois faire ? (What do you think you're doing ?)" He said in a demanding tone

"Je sais que vous êtes un homme religieux pendant mon séjour ici, j'observe toujours (i know that you're a religious man over my time here, i always observe)"

Olivier: "et vous avez dit que vous ne lisez pas les fichiers, mais vous lisez les miens. c'est comme ça que tu sais ce que j'ai fait (and you said that you dont read files, but you read mine. that's how you know what i did)"

"je ne l'ai pas fait. c'est pourquoi je ne lis aucun des fichiers des opérateurs. Je suppose que ce que vous avez fait est là-dedans ? (i didnt. that's why i dont read any of the operators files because they contain something that needs to be hidden. i assume what you did is in there ?) " He nodded

"quoi que vous ayez fait, je parierai ma vie que vous êtes devenu religieux à cause de cela. ce qui signifie que vous le regrettez. Je ne juge que pour ce qui est devant moi, pas ce que tu as fait il y a des années (whatever you did, i'll bet on my life that you became religious because of it, meaning you regret it. i only judge for what's infront of me, not what you did years ago)

Olivier: "you know, you're not half bad like they say" he stated

"I appreciate that"

Fellas, there's a friend of mine who is an amazing writer but lacks motivation from his viewers. The guy has an amazing way with the words, something I wish I also had. if y'all could do me a favor and check his story, the views and good comments will do him justice and to also bring him the motivation he needs. With that being said, I really hope you guys see what I mean in this guy. DERPMANNOOB is the profile.

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