Chapter 37: Intervention

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Meghan's POV:

2 days passed since we found out about Alex. But now, I was In the science lab in the afternoon on the 4th floor with Dr. Mackintosh and Alex. He looked tired, very tired

Dr. Mackintosh: "Mr. Osiris ?" She said

Alex: "yes ma'am ?"

Dr. Mackintosh : "since we're reaching the final stage of making the cure for you, can I ask you a question ?" I saw Alex shift at her request a bit, but before I could say anything he responded to her

Alex: "sure, ma'am"

Dr. Mackintosh: "next time, please leave a few vials for emergencies like this" she said with a smile

Dr. Mackintosh: "the vial will be done in a few minutes, I'll be going now" she got up from her seat

Alex: "Doctor" she turned to him

Alex: "thank you" sincerity was in his voice

Dr. Mackintosh: "I didn't do much except offer extra hands, you just told me what I needed to do"

Alex: "and I appreciate that very much" she smiled

Dr. Mackintosh: "you're welcome" and walked away leaving me and him waiting on the cure in the weird chemistry machine or whatever it is

"Few more minutes and it'll be done" I rubbed circles on his back. He was just staring at the distance

"He's here, isn't he ?"

Alex: "he keeps whispering to me, even when he's far"

"What's he saying ?"

Alex: " 'even when I'm gone, least now you know who you fear most' " I felt bad for him

Alex: "I never gave it a thought, but at sometimes, I get afraid of the things I do. Like what I did to the hostages in Hell's Kitchen"

"Did you enjoy it ?" It reminded me of what Emma said, that he only did that because he enjoys seeing other's fears. He looked at me for a few seconds

Alex: "gassing up buildings is always my emergency plan if the mission turns sideways. But when it does turn sideways and then I gas up the whole area, before I get out, I always look around to what I did while being surrounded by the gas. the bodies I have dropped right after they saw their fears. I dont enjoy seeing their fears, I do it because it's necessary" his voice didn't have a drop of a lie, so I believed him

"Then you fear yourself for the wrong reasons" he raised an eyebrow at what I said

"Look at your fear, he's just as afraid of you like you are of him. You make sure the innocent arent harmed, even if the cost was you. Yes, you went extreme on Hell's Kitchen for the hostages. but extreme was needed to get them out" I gazed deep in his silver eyes

"Trust me" I said with a smile

Alex: "I never stopped trusting you" he turned back the smile, but we heard loud beeping coming from the machine. I assumed the cure was done because Alex pulled it out. He looked at me with the vial in his hand

"What are you waiting for ?" He just smiled

Alex: "nothing" then he drank the whole vial

"So ? Are you all cured now ?" He looked around

Alex: "good thing the cure takes effects immediately. He's gone" that put a wide smile on my face, so I wrapped my arms around him, and he embraced me in return

"I'm glad you're ok now" then I kissed him

Alex: "never could've done that without you, Meg" Meg... I like that

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