Russia's Dirty Dream 1.3

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[ Warning! Smut Chapter! ]


The next day, Russia woke up with a dark color under his eyes. Kazakhstan besides him can't help but feel worried but also a little Schadenfreude.

Still, as a good childhood friend, he has to ask to show his ‘concern’

“What's up with you?” he asked, lightly kicking him on the ankle.

Russia clicked his tongue and glared at him, causing Kazakhstan to flinch.

Tsk! This Russian buffalo! Fine! I won't show my concern anymore! You don't deserve it! Even if it's a fake concern!

He yelled in his heart and returned to listening to class.

Just this morning, when Russia came out and went to the kitchen, he saw his sunshine squatting by the fridge as she takes the ingredients for today's breakfast.

He stared at her for a minute before walking behind her, towering her small figure as he reached out to take the egg carton.

Philipia didn't expect a long, slender fingers to reach in and take the egg carton which made her look up to see the neck first and the Adams apple bobbing up. Realizing it was Russia, she couldn't help but feel slightly nervous as she look straight inside the fridge again.

“Pancakes?” his deep rough voice asked. Obviously he just woke up but it sent a different type of feeling to her, causing her ears to feel a little ticklish.


“I'll help”

As philipia stood up, she followed after Russia who wore an apron and began taking the necessary utensils to make pancakes. Noticing her gaze, Russia paused and turn to her who's still holding the container of butter and a pack of bacon.

He then noticed her flushed face, “What's wrong? You having a fever?” He asked and was about to reach out and place his hand on her forehead unconsciously without thinking too much about it.

But philipia staggered back and avoided his touch, showing an embarrassed and flushed face to Russia.

“No, no, no! It's fine! I just felt diz-dizzy! Ah! That's right! I'll wake up everyone first, russia should mix the pancake mix w-well!”

Philipia shoves the butter and pack of bacon to his hands and walked out of the kitchen, calling out in a loud voice as she knocks on everyone's doors.

Russia felt his heart beating wildly once more, covering half of his face, he thought how unfair it was for her to show such a look. “what the hell... ” he muttered, repeating the look he just saw in his head again and again.

As he leaned back on his chair, he thought how cute she was. After realizing his feelings for the youth, Russia had been restless around her, trying hard as he could not to appear awkward.

Just by seeing her from afar and watch her every little action from the smallest detail, it felt like his world was filled with bubbles.

Damn it! If he wasn't taught by his dad how to have self control, he would've long did something unforgivable to his sunshine!

For the first time, he felt grateful, at least there's one thing his old man taught him that was useful.

Looking back at her again sitting by the bench with Canada and France, he realized how his sunshine was so independent and competent as though she doesn't need anyone's help— she doesn't need him nor his help...

The thought suddenly made him scared.

Recalling back at the time when she locked herself in her room. The words she spoke as she pushed everyone away, insistent that she doesn't need someone else.

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