Answers please 2.0 ( Perla )

978 47 69

Perla:: Of course I am! Anyone is! Right? Kati?!

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Perla:: Of course I am! Anyone is! Right? Kati?!

Kati:: huh? But isn't that a good thing? Martial now accepts philipia as his sister now.

Perla:: Kati don't be stupid! He loves her more than a sibling!

Kati:: More than a sibling? So he loves her super extra much? That's good then!

Perla:: And you're all blaming me why philipia is dense and Oblivious? I'm the only sane person in our house who still has common sense.

Magdalo:: Uhm....


[ Whoah! Chill, calm down! ]

[ Whoah! Chill, calm down! ]

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Perla:: Gregorio del Pilar. He would be the first and I'll ask him...

Greg:: Give me a fucking break...

Perla:: "Why is martial the only one taking care of philipia? And why are you making love with different women without even marrying?"

Greg:: And if I did, what will you do?

Perla:: Don't you dare talk back to me!

Greg:: Look mama, you're dead. End of story, there's a lot you don't know anyways.

Perla:: See what I mean? See what I meannnnn?????

[ Respect your elders Everyone, don't be like Greg ]

[ Respect your elders Everyone, don't be like Greg ]

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Perla:: Yes of course I do. And if I say so myself, it's quite amusing to watch them get hurt ^^

Kati:: You all don't know how she is.

[ you've only seen the tip of the iceberg readers ]

[ you've only seen the tip of the iceberg readers ]

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Perla:: Ew, no mother would want to see that. And please one question at a time.

Perla:: I get it okay? I know all the boys would love my daughter, who wouldn't? And I don't need to know what martial does in his cabin or something, they're grown adults, both of them so I don't need to mess with it.

Perla:: But it's a different story if it's about philipia, she's my treasure.

Perla:: Who knows? Only author can tell you that

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Perla:: Who knows? Only author can tell you that.

[ h-huh?! ]

Perla:: awww, of course

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Perla:: awww, of course. Ehem!

Perla:: Ili- ili~ tulog anay. wala dire. Imong nanay...thats all! Hehe~

Perla:: My favorite is philipia of course, isn't it obvious? Hehe~

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Perla:: My favorite is philipia of course, isn't it obvious? Hehe~

Perla:: My oh my, would you look at that. It seems that we the last question author!

[ ah, right. Okay uhm, thank you mama perla for joining us this awkward reunion to answer questions by our readers]

[ I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did~]

Perla:: Of course I did~ Thank you as always G.D and to everyone as well~ mabuhay!~

[ alright, that's it for mama perla, next is our beloved father, papa kati~ see ya there]


>>> Answers please 2.0 ( kati )

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