Chapter 13 : Lingering memories

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[ Japan ↑ art by meh]

[ There'll be grammatical errors and typos ]

[ Enjoy ~]



I yawned and stretch my back after finishing the first exam for today.

"That was a tough one" I said to myself.

"Fuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk!!!!" Joe yawned. he looked stressed and tired like everyone else, well, except south and china.

"How did you do?" I ask.

"Terrible! I still don't get those table of continents!"

"Contents, joe" I correct, he looks at me for a minute processing what I said.

"Yeah, those. I still don't get those!" He seemed frustrated as he slammed his head to his table.

"Its okay joe, at least you studied" the sarcastic remarked came from south who was patting joe's back.

"Get of me Pepsi" joe grunted.

South stopped and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Pepsi? What kind of a nickname is that, god you suck"

They continue to argue while the others came up behind us.

"Let's go? I'm really tired" china said as he twists his shoulders while behind him is J who's barely awake, I giggled as he looked cute wearing his hoodie that has cat ears on it.

If you're asking where spain is, he actually went back home for a few days, nobody knows why except the principal. So he'll be taking a bit of a vacation early.

"Yeah, I'm tired too as well" I said and pack up my things and finish for today.

AT THE DORM everyone immediately went in their rooms and so did I. After one week the school became normal and the guards roaming around the school is no longer there, apparently the source was from canada's people and one of them accidentally left the pack of marijuana in the restroom. And since canada is recovering and everyone including Joe and France are making sure he is occupied and okay, he ordered his people to no longer sneak him some "stuffs". And because of that, school is back to normal.

I quickly changed into a comfortable clothes which is usually pajamas or shorts, something that's easy to move and comfy at the same time.

I got out of my room and saw joe who's laying on the sofa instead of his own room.



"There's a room for a reason" I said.

He groans and hug one of the pillows from the sofa. "Its messy and I barely have enough space on my bed cause my clothes are everywhere"

"Did you even consider cleaning your room?" I ask as I sat on one of the sofa chairs.


"When did you last did your laundry?"

He thinks for a minute "hmm.. last month?"

Unbelievable, I sigh and lean back on my chair. "Joe you need to start cle--"


We both look at each other startled for a moment before standing up heading to J's room.

"J?" I called.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now