Answers Please 2.0 ( harem )

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[ Hello everyone, since we're done tackling with the Philippine family ]

[ Today, we'll be asking our harems! The famous sunshine harem! Say hi everybutty ]

Spain:: Buen día

America:: Good day everyone, what is upppp!!!!

Japan:: If philipia was here, she would definitely say "the ceiling" HAHAHAHAH! OHAYOUU MINNA-SAN!

Russia:: Hello. *burp* excuse me.

China:: *sips tea* hmm.

[ err, okay, not fond of greetings huh? ]

[ Anyways, since today we'll be asking the harems, I hope you can uhh take the many chapters ]

[ and I hope you'll get to the last one with me uwuwuw~ ]

[ anyways, let's start with our Pedo-- I mean, father / Lover boi: Suuuupaaaiinnnn!!! ]

[ On the next wan! ]


>>> Answers please 2.0 ( Spain )

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