Chapter 46 : Gravid

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[D-kun isn't available for a while so it's just me today and it's just me who edited it. So yeah, the blame is on me again hehehe~]



"Got everything you need pearl?"

I look up to brother Greg who was at the door.

"Yes" I replied before following him to the door, "oh, can I check on China first?" I added.

Brother Greg looks back at me and thinks for a minute, "sure, I'll come with you"

Me and brother Greg used the elevator to the 10th floor, ever since China woke up, they moved him to this floor and it's much better than the one he was in when he was unconscious. I guess they were trying to be careful.

I knocked on the door first before I heard his voice telling me to enter. When suddenly, the memories from yesterday flooded my head again and I begun to feel my cheeks burn.

I swallowed a lump before I hesitantly enter the room. China was sitting on his bed while playing a board game with the same guy I saw yesterday; was it Beijing?

"Philipia" he called, as soon as he saw me, his expression shifted from focus to timid.

"Greetings" Beijing immediately kneeled and placed his fist on his chest, "may the heavens and the land shower you with blessings, country leader philipia, and country leader Gregorio" he added.

I chuckled and bowed slightly, "it's nice to meet you" I smiled.

He looks up at me with a expressionless face, he looks like those sleepy types but I can tell he's a hard-working and loyal capital city; a secretary in our term for country leaders.

"Hey, you okay now pal?" Brother Greg asked, peeking behind me even though his height already gives him pass.

"Yes, I feel much better" China replied.

Brother Greg hummed in response, "he's okay he said, can we go now?" Brother asked impatiently, to which I look up to him with one brow raised.


"You need some alone time? Geez, make it quick please, I still have to turn in a report" he said and I nodded. Beijing didn't hesitate to follow brother Greg after bowing to me.

"You still play this?" I said as I sat on the bed where Beijing was sitting earlier, across the board game placed on his bed.

"When was the last time we played mahjong?" He asked, not looking at my eyes at all. I can't blame China, afterall, it was just yesterday--of course it would be awkward. It is for me but I try my best not to make it as the reason why we can't talk normally anymore.

"We played, at the meetings of the world, didn't we?--After the meeting that is" I replied as I continued where beijing left off.

"I never won" he said, eyes focused on his tiles.

A grin made it's way to my lips, "it's because your attention was somewhere"

He chuckled, "if only you know where my attention was" he said.

I look at him and he was finally looking at me, our faces just inches away from each other.

When suddenly, his marks started to glow, he looks at his arm and held his chest, "I forgot, the marks react to what I feel...anything that's overwhelming..." He muttered but enough for me to hear.

Honestly, I don't know anything about things like these, things like the line where males would court and propose to someone. I don't know what they feel or what are the effects of their marks to them.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now